Mediterranean swordfish: Recover it or lose it

Mediterranean swordfish has been assessed as overfished for the last three decades. The stock has declined steeply since the 1980s, falling to levels that are currently 88% lower than what is considered sustainable. The minimum landing size (90cm) is set much smaller than the age of sexual maturity for the stock (130cm for males, 149cm … Read more

Mediterranean swordfish: from the plate to the politicians’ table

Finally, Mediterranean swordfish has been recognised as an urgent issue that needs to be addressed. This is music to the ears of us at Oceana as we’ve been campaigning for this issue for many years. Finally, politicians have reacted to the terrible situation that has developed: after 30 years of overfishing, the stock is just … Read more

Yet more species pushed to the limit

Following last week’s World Parks Congress in Sydney, the IUCN red list was updated, showing that the Pacific Bluefin tuna, Chinese puffer fish, American eel, Chinese cobra and the Australian butterfly are currently being pushed to the limit. The Pacific Bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) was moved from the “least at risk” category to now be … Read more

OCEANA alerts that EU is turning blind eye to swordfish overfishing

EU maintains inaction despite accounting for 90% of the fleet responsible. Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, has sounded the alarm today on the European Union’s reluctance to take measures for the recovery of Mediterranean swordfish. According to an assessment carried out by scientists earlier this year, the stock is overfished; it has declined steeply … Read more

Oceana avverte che la UE sta chiudendo un occhio sulla sovrapesca del pesce spada

Lo stock è per il 70% sotto livelli sostenibili e considerato sovrapescato dal 2003. L’UE non agisce nonostante il 90% della flotta responsabile sia europea e il 60% italiana. Oceana, l’organizzazione internazionale per la conservazione dell’ambiente marino, lancia oggi un allarme sulla riluttanza dell’Unione Europea nell’intraprendere misure per il recupero del pesce spada in Mediterraneo. … Read more