Legacy: Stop Overfishing
Oceana: Fisheries ministers miss legal deadline to stop overfishing in the Baltic Sea
EU fisheries ministers agreed overnight Monday on the 2020 fishing limits for fish stocks in the Baltic Sea, including iconic cod and herring. Oceana criticises the Council for breaching the main objective of the EU fisheries law — to end overfishing by 2020 — by setting quotas that continue to disregard scientific advice, and jeopardise … Read more
Oceana calls on EU to ban fishing of eastern Baltic cod
Recent eastern cod collapse is a result of a number of factors, including continuous overfishing of the stock Baltic cod is the region’s iconic species and plays a crucial role, both environmentally and commercially On 14 October, the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) will meet in Luxembourg to decide on 2020 fishing limits for … Read more
Cod crisis deepens in North Sea
The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has announced today the collapse of the North Sea cod population, and has recommended reducing its catch limits by 70% for 2020. In order to revert its critical situation, Oceana strongly encourages EU decision-makers to follow this advice, which is the result of an updated … Read more
Oceana calls upon Mediterranean countries to protect areas crucial for fish survival to address overfishing crisis
On eve of political summit, Oceana releases online viewer displaying information on crucial lifecycle areas for fish populations, and current sites closed to fishing Ahead of a political meeting to address the overfishing crisis in the Mediterranean, Oceana is calling upon the region’s countries to protect essential fish habitats (EFHs) as an urgent measure to … Read more
Eastern Baltic cod stock has collapsed – NGOs call to immediately close fishing of Eastern Baltic cod
The report , published last week by International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), an intergovernmental marine science organization, found that the eastern Baltic cod population has reached such a critically low level that it is unable to reproduce itself sufficiently to maintain a future healthy stock1. Scientists and researchers have warned about … Read more
Iberian environmental organizations call for measures once again to ensure recovery of the Iberian sardine
Following a workshop organized by the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) in Lisbon to evaluate the recovery and management plan for Iberian sardine (Sardina pilchardus), 15 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Portugal and Spain[1] are concerned about a plan submitted to the European Commission by the Portuguese and Spanish governments. This plan … Read more
EU Mediterranean plan to allow trawling in fish nurseries
The European Parliament approved today in a plenary vote the first multiannual plan for demersal stocks (fish that live and feed near the sea bottom) for the Western Mediterranean Sea. With 461 votes in favor and 62 against, the legal obligation of reaching sustainable fishing by 2020 at the latest, as agreed under the Common Fisheries … Read more