Oceana provokes the arrest of illegal driftnetters by italian coastguards

On some occasions, the activities of these vessels have extended into Spanish waters. The research catamaran of the Oceana organisation, the Ranger, has been carrying out “in situ” surveillance of the illegal Italian driftnet fleet since the beginning of July, which operates out of bases in Sicily, Sardinia, around Naples and Sorrento, and the small … Read more

Former OAS chief joins Oceana Board

WASHINGTON _  Former Colombian President César Gaviria, whose 10-year leadership of the Organization of American States (OAS) revitalized that hemispheric institution, today joined the fight for healthy seas around the world by becoming a member of the Board of Directors of Oceana, the only international conservation group solely dedicated to ocean protection. “As Arvid Pardo, … Read more

Deep-sea fisheries in Europe: High environmental costs, minimal economic dependence

The scale of economic dependence on deep-sea fisheries in Europe is low, according to new information presented today by the European Commission during a Fisheries Committee debate in the European Parliament in Brussels. Oceana values the contribution from the Commission, which further justifies measures that have been proposed for improving the sustainability of deep-sea fisheries … Read more

World Oceans Day: Conservation efforts largely ignore threatened and fragile deep sea

Today, on World Oceans Day, Oceana urges the prioritization of scientific research into overlooked and fragile deep sea areas. Despite a massive gap in knowledge of deep sea areas, destructive activities are authorized without any clear insight into their impact on local ecosystems. Slow-growing and vulnerable species and habitats are facing potentially irreversible damage. “Activities … Read more

All Aboard! A campaign to stop the bankrupting of Europe’s oceans.

We’ve teamed up with WWF, FishFight, BirdLife, Paint a Fish, and Ocean2012 to get as many people on board to stop bankrupting our oceans and allow fish stocks in Europe to recover. This interactive campaign allows you to send a message directly to your Fisheries Minister – we’ve already seen the power of citizens when … Read more

Oceana welcomes EU Parliament adoption of Skagerrak discard ban

Yesterday an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament voted for a gradual ban on the discarding of unwanted fish in the Skagerrak. Oceana welcomes this bold step towards ending the wasteful practice of throwing millions of tons of fish back into the sea. “It is rewarding to see that the Parliament is sticking to defending … Read more

Taming the high seas

“The high seas” – Just the term evokes the idea of a wild and lawless ocean that spans as far as the eye can see… and pirates (or is that just me?).    The truth is not so far from this. You see, the high-seas fall beyond national jurisdiction and are “governed” by a series of … Read more

A Postcard from Strasbourg: Make History, End Overfishing

As you may know, there is a big vote happening tomorrow in Strasbourg. Members of Parliament have a chance to make history , and we, along with our colleagues in the NGO community have been working hard for the past year and a half to spread the right information to the right people. Just in … Read more

Half of 2013 fishing opportunities set by EU Fisheries Ministers are above scientific recommendations

This morning after an intense two-day negotiation process, EU fisheries ministers reached an agreement on 2013 catch limits for the main commercial species in the North East Atlantic. Oceana in a preliminary assessment of fisheries minister’s agreement describes the decisions adopted as contradictory and regrets another missed opportunity to end the overexploitation of European fishery … Read more