Carrefour is in favour of responsible fishing

Following meetings with Oceana, the Carrefour chain of hypermarkets has announced that they stopped selling bluefin tuna captured in the Mediterranean Sea from 1 August, in order to avoid the collapse of this fishery in the Mediterranean. The Carrefour Group is the first food distribution group in Spain to adopt precautionary measures geared towards promoting … Read more

Oceana believes the closed season for anchovy is too short

The poor state of the anchovy stock in the Cantabrian fishing grounds has once again obliged the European Commission to close them down for the second consecutive year. The aim is to try to alleviate the serious mistakes made by the French and Spanish governments which, despite opposition from scientists, allowed anchovy fishing to continue … Read more

Spain could be severely fined for selling immature fish

Fines levied against France for selling hake smaller than what is authorised add up to more than 100 million Euros The European Commission has pressed charges against the Spanish government before the European Union Courts of Justice, after seven years of continuously reporting on Spain´s non-compliance of European regulations concerning the catch, landing and sale … Read more

Spain, Portugal, France and Poland turn their backs on fisheries management and support depleting deep-sea fish stocks

According to the international organisation for marine research and conservation, Oceana, once again a group of European countries, led by Spain, France, Portugal and Poland are attempting to destroy any initiative taken to stop the deterioration of fish species and marine ecosystems. These governments have continually ignored the warnings given by the scientific community regarding … Read more

Oceana demands response to fisheries collapse from european gobernments and shipowners

Subsidies for fisheries should be completely eliminated, except for those used for dismantling vessels and occupational conversion of fishermen. Oceana, the international marine research and conservation organisation, has just received a report published in Science magazine written by a group of prestigious international scientists supporting the opinions defended by the organisation for years; opinions that … Read more