September 3-4, 2008

My adventure on board the Marviva Med began as soon as I arrived in Palma de Mallorca. It is the first time for me onboard this ship and I am proud to be able to contribute to this expedition. My work will consist in taking photographs of the daily activities on board this 42-meter vessel … Read more

Last days in Italy

We don’t have many days left in Italy, because we plan to be back in the Balearic Islands at the end of the month, in Palma de Mallorca. So, we decide to continue working with the ROV, documenting the seamounts west of the Aeolian Islands, facing the northwest coast of Sicily and head slowly towards … Read more

documenting the “Secca del Capo” bottom

After the ROV took up all the hours in the water for a few days, on Saturday the 23rd, we divers submerged again with the intention of documenting the “Secca del Capo” bottom. This is a seamount located at a considerable distance from the coast between the islands of Salina and Panarea. The mound rises … Read more

Capo de Santa María di Leuca

We set sail from Brindisi toward the south of Capo de Santa Maria di Leuca, in the Ionian Sea. This is an area where deep sea coral reefs dominated by Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata have been described. Several scientific campaigns have recorded colonies of these species from depths of 110 to 470 meters. At … Read more

Arrival at the Bari coast

We arrived at the Bari coast, at the port of Brindisi on August 15. In most European countries, this date is reserved for spending a few days at the beach and enjoying its charm… All of us are attracted by the sea for several reasons: because the deep blue sea is calling us, it both … Read more

His name is ROVERTO and he has bought a chalet

Hello readers, under the optimistic assumption that there are any. We are in Brindisi, Italy. A quizzical port located in a city of some 90,000 inhabitants who, truth be told, do not make much noise. Gorka says that he has seen on Google that Brindisi means “deer horns”,… we won’t delve into that matter. There … Read more

Interview to María José Cornax August 11, 2008

María José Cornax is twenty-seven years old. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Science, and she has worked at Oceana for almost three years. She has led several campaigns to eradicate illegal fishing with drift nets in the Mediterranean. This has made her an expert on the topic. Why did you choose … Read more

Island of Patmos

Yesterday we anchored off the Greek island of Patmos. It is a small island, but from the ship it looks like your typical postcard of a Greek holiday to us. There are several craft of different sizes anchored like us. Since Thursday, we have been getting strong winds again. At times, they have reached force … Read more

Interview to Patricia Lastra

Taking advantage of a few moments of sailing time, Patricia Lastra, one of Oceana’s scientists aboard the Marviva Med, has agreed to a short interview in which she tells us about her work. Patricia is a thirty year old Sevillian who has been working with Oceana’s crew since may. Here, she is one of the … Read more

Ctenophore soup and fishermen at dawn

We continued in the Aegean Sea. The weather is great. The wind has died down and the sea is quite calm. This allows us to continue with our campaign plan without major changes. Yesterday, at dusk, Patricia Lastra, the marine scientist who is who is working on the red tuna habitat conservation campaign in the … Read more