As EU celebrates 30 years of Natura 2000, NGOs call for these areas to be actually ‘protected’ and for an EU-wide trawl ban in them

As the EU celebrates the 30th anniversary of Natura 2000, NGOs highlight EU countries’ lax implementation of EU nature laws and permissiveness towards widespread destructive fishing, resulting in the conservation status of threatened marine habitats and species remaining overall dire. NGOs call to quickly redress the balance and create an EU-wide ban on bottom trawling … Read more

Protecting the unknown

If space is the ‘final frontier’, the ocean depths are no doubt the ultimate frontier. To this day it is hard to imagine, despite all our advanced technology, that we know more about the surface of the moon — hundreds of thousands of kilometers away — than of the complex ecosystems that inhabit the ocean’s deep … Read more

Turning the Tide on EU Seas with Green Recovery

The paper dives into examples of investment opportunities in an effort to illustrate how a green recovery for the oceans is possible, for instance by: Actively restoring marine ecosystems, such as rebuilding oyster reefs and fish passages in coastal dams — This can stimulate economic activities in sectors such as marine construction while increasing fish … Read more

Using “big data” to evaluate MPA effectiveness – the case of reefs in EU

The study looked into the fishing activity across marine Nature 2000 sites having a focus on variety of protected features protected by the Habitats Directive. Significant incompatible fishing activity was observed inside Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) across all of the European Union (EU), particularly within reef and sandbank habitats types (codes 1170 and 1110).This poster summarizes … Read more

Urgent political will needed to halt European marine habitat neglect

ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Oceana, Seas at Risk and WWF warn that marine life across Europe is being harmed because member states are neglecting to actively manage marine protected areas. This puts at risk much of the biodiversity within the marine Natura 2000 network of protected sites, which protects on paper around 10% of waters … Read more

Una piu’ grande volontà politica e’ urgente per fermare la negligenza dei paesi europei di fronte al degrado degli habitat marini europei

Le organizzazioni ambientaliste chiedono di istituire misure  di gestione concrete  in aree marine protette   ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Oceana, Seas at Risk e WWF avvertono che la vita marina in Europa viene danneggiata dal fatto che gli stati dell’Unione Europea non stanno gestendo in modo attivo le aree marine protette. Questa negligenza, mette a … Read more

Une plus grande volonté politique est nécessaire pour mettre fin à la négligence des pays européens face à la dégradation des habitats marins

Les organisations environnementales demandent la mise en place de mesures de gestion concrĂštes dans les aires marines protĂ©gĂ©es europĂ©ennes   ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Oceana, Seas at Risk et le WWF avertissent que la vie marine en Europe est menacĂ©e Ă  cause de la nĂ©gligence des pays europĂ©ens Ă  gĂ©rer activement leurs aires marines protĂ©gĂ©es. … Read more