Seco de los Olivos (day 3)

We continue diving in Almeria in the area of Seco de los Olivos. We have not seen any cetaceans in this area this year, quite the contrary to last year, and we have been here two days with calm seas and excellent visibility. In general, the sightings during the last month and a half can … Read more

Seco de los Olivos (day 1 and 2)

Once in Almeria, we’ve made the port of Almerimar our base for operations in order to work in Seco de los Olivos between Punta Entinas and Punta Elena. On the first day, we head out to Seco to see one of the small elevations there are towards the east and to look around the top … Read more

Cabo de Gata

Today we were going to take a look at the seamounts that appear in the charts approximately 20 miles east of Cabo de Gata. According to the charts we have, the three summits are between 180-2000 meters depth and are located atop a small platform at 900 meters, from here they fall to over 2,000 … Read more

On our way to Cartagena

On our way to Cartagena to get supplies, do some general cleaning and take care of other things, we stop for a few hours in the island of Las Palomas to take another look at the area. The divers will explore the area near the seamount located south of the small island while the ROV … Read more

We’re still in Islas Hormigas

We’re now back in Cabo de Palos and we’re going to continue our dives in Islas Hormigas. Within the Reserve, the divers are finding a large variety of fish, including barracuda (Sphyraena viridensis) and the three species of grouper (Epinephelus marginatus, Epinephelus costae and Mycteroperca rubra). Today, some of the divers told us they saw … Read more

Seco de Palos (day 2)

Today we are really sweating. It’s the hottest day since we began the expedition. But at least the sea is calm and this makes our work much easier. We continue to work with the ROV in the Seco de Palos. We find remnants of fishing tackle every 20 meters; lines, hooks, nets, etc. We’re taking … Read more

Seco de Palos

Today we must wake up a bit earlier. It will take us more than three hours to reach our destination. As soon as we set sail, we begin seeing the trawlers carrying out their activities. We see them all over for a long time, until the sea floors become deeper, reaching 700-800 meters depth. The … Read more

Isla Hormigas

Early in the morning we leave Cartagena and set sail towards Cabo de Palos; we will meet with the marine reserve guards there to comment on our plans. The paperwork is quick and we’re wailing towards Bajo de Fuera in no time. The top is located at only 4 meters depth and the northern slope … Read more

Cabo de Palos – Islas Hormigas (day 2)

It looks better this morning, but swells are expected in Cabo de Palos after easterly winds (Levante) have been blowing these past few days. So we won’t risk it and we’ll take advantage of the day by concentrating our work in the area between Cabo Tiñoso and La Azohia. This coastal area is still magnificent … Read more

From Ibiza to Cabo de Palos

We’ve spent the last few days closely following the “Don Pedro” spill in Ibiza. Although the largest oil spill took place on the first day, the merchant ship was still leaking smaller amounts on the following days. Work is still being carried out to seal the cracks in the wreck, but it is difficult to … Read more