Ibiza (Day 2)

We are still in Ibiza. Early in the morning, we go out to see what the situation is like. The area where the largest slick was located is now much more dissolved and dispersed, forming only some small fuel patches, and most of it has been removed by the cleaning ships. The marine rescue vessel … Read more

From Cabo de la Nao to Ibiza

Yesterday, we continued to study the sea floors around Cabo de La Nao. We carried out a couple of dives with the divers between Isla de Portixol and Cape San Martin. Again, we spotted gorgonians including the white sea fan (Eunicella singularis) and the yellow sea fan (Leptogorgia sarmentosa), many nudibranchs, cardinalfish (Apogon imberbis) with … Read more

Cabo San Antonio

Today we start the day with a dive in the Cabo de San Antonio. Here, the marine reserve guards provide us with information about the area. It is a rocky wall with one rock descending to approximately 20 meters depth. Like other places in this area, there are few gorgonians, including some dispersed white sea … Read more

Cabo de La Nao

We’re still in Cabo de la Nao. We’ve done two more dives with the ROV on this sea floor and one dive with the divers in Cabo Negro. Today it was the Audouin gulls (Larus audounini) that have accompanied us this morning. We continue to study these mostly muddy sea floors with the ROV where … Read more


At dawn, we reach the coast facing Gandía and the first thing we see is a group of trawlers fishing in the area. As we head south, more trawlers appear. Some of them are fishing within the forbidden area at less than 50 meters depth, others are just on the border, while a few others … Read more

Placer de la Barra Alta

After sleeping in Columbretes where, by the way, we were the only boat anchored, we’ve gone to Placer de la Barra Alta to continue working with the ROV in the northeastern area. The depression we found last year is located there. The sea floor is similar throughout the entire area. At first, there is maerl … Read more

In Columbretes

Finally, we left Palma de Mallorca at 1:00 in the morning and set sail towards El Placer de la Barra Alta. It was good sailing and at some point, with the jib hoisted, we reached 10 knots. At some 25 miles east of Columbretes we see a flock of shearwaters feeding on a bank of … Read more

East of Cabrera

We continue our work east of Cabrera. Again, we find some extensions of Laminaria rodriguezii, although less dense. We also find coralline and, at last, the gorgonians. There are not many and, if we are not mistaken, they are Paramuricea macrospina. Also, we find a few black corals that look like Antipathes sp. They are … Read more

East of Na Redona. Cabrera

Spectacular. Today we worked with the divers east of Na Redona to see the transition from here to the more eastern area where we’re working with the ROV. It’s a wall that plunges 25 meters with some areas at just 14 meters, where we see barracudas (Sphyraena sp.), picarels (Spicara spp.) and many other fish. … Read more

Emile Baudot and Cabrera

Today we visited Emile Baudot in the morning and Cabrera in the afternoon. At Emile Baudot, we worked between 110 and 245 meters on the western slope of the seamount. It’s less rich than the eastern slope, but interesting nonetheless. At approximately 125 meters depth, we saw a couple of African armored searobins (Peristedion cataphractum) … Read more