The best dive sites of the Mediterranean

The exploration of the best dive sites of the Mediterranean, with a focus on ecology and marine protection, what would be a better job description? This is our daily routine on board the Oceana Ranger as divers, and I must say, very fortunate divers…..It took us a couple of days to get to know each … Read more


The dawn has come early to Saint Margarita’s bay. The first lights arrived at about five thirty in the morning and I got up at six fifteen to make the coffee and the breakfast for the crew: cereals, cheese, jam and bread together with fruit juice was what I had planned. Little by little the … Read more

One Frame at a Time: Documenting the 2006 Ranger Expedition

I found myself aboard the Oceana Ranger after a flight from Brussels and a train from Milan to Santa Margherita, Italy. I´m here, not as a scientist or a campaigner, but as a photographer and documentarian complimenting our crew of underwater photographers and videographers, whilst remaining dry on the deck. In Washington, DC, where I … Read more

Back aboard in 2006

I arrived from Brussels and joined the rest of the crew of the Ranger in Santa Margherita in Northern Italy, our base this week to explore and document the Portofino Marine Park. I am looking forward to another week on board, after my great experience last year during the turtle tagging campaign. Many tourists come … Read more

Back aboard in 2006

I arrived from Brussels and joined the rest of the crew of the Ranger in Santa Margherita in Northern Italy, our base this week to explore and document the Portofino Marine Park. I am looking forward to another week on board, after my great experience last year during the turtle tagging campaign. Many tourists come … Read more

Ermenegildo Zegna Regatta in Portofino

The Ranger arrived at Portofino (Genoa, Italy) on Thursday. We were interested in documenting the marine protected area of Portofino. On the other hand, we had been invited by the Fondazione Ermenegildo Zegna to bring the Oceana Ranger and to participate in a well attended press conference, as that weekend there was the 25th Ermenegildo … Read more

Bringing the Ranger to Brussels

This isn’t a diary from the Ranger today, but from Brussels. While the Ranger and crew are diving in Corsica, I’m here in my natural environment with other Oceana Europe staff, hosting the Oceana Board meeting. It is the first time that the Board and many of the staff members have visited Brussels, as our … Read more

L’Ille Rousse at 46 knots ahead

We are anchored opposite the port of L’Ille Rousse on the northern coast of Corsica. You can’t go above deck without having your toupée carried away by the wind. Since early morning, having extricated myself from the middle bunk for a change, we have been accompanied by winds of up to 80 km per hour. … Read more

Corsican coast

 We finally reach the Corsican coast. Today’s challenge was to use our tri-dimensional probing equipment for the first time to scan the work bottom and to chart its relief. The truth is we have been left open-mouthed on looking at how after each scan the seabed increasingly became a relief image which enabled our team … Read more

Wait for the next chance

 Sunday the 7th and we continue on our way here after the marvellous experience with the basking sharks. The sea was calm and the only thing worthy of note was a couple of ocean sun fish swimming close to the surface, as is their want. They tarried just long enough for us to have fitted … Read more