Mediterranean Sea. A key EU fishing region in a bleak state of overfishing

Overfishing in the Mediterranean Sea began around the ‘70s, when fishing effort increased considerably thanks to technological developments that allowed fleets to fish farther, deeper and find catches more easily. Latest assessments of the situation in the Mediterranean, revealed that 96% of stocks fished exclusively by EU countries are overexploited above what is considered sustainable … Read more

Oceana proposal for a Marine Protected Area. The Sound – 2016

The Sound is located between Sweden and Denmark, and forms, together with Little Belt and Great Belt, a connection between the brackish Baltic Sea and the saltier North Sea via Kattegat and Skagerrak. In 1932, a bottom trawling ban was established in the Sound because of heavy traffic in the narrow strait. The ban, which … Read more

The EU IUU Regulation

The EU IUU RegulationBuilding on successEU progress in the global fight against illegal fishing IUU fishing is one of the main impediments to the achievement of legal and sustainable world fisheries at a time of mounting threats to marine biodiversity and food security. IUU fishing contributes to overexploitation of fish stocks and undermines the recovery … Read more

Oceana fishing opportunities recommendations for 2016. North East Atlantic stocks

The establishment of fishing opportunities is the most important management tool to enable European Union (EU) fisheries to keep fishing mortality rates within sustainable levels. In fact, the state of fish stocks and intensity of fish resource exploitation depends heavily on the fishing opportunities decision. Although the manner in which fisheries are managed in the … Read more

Oceana proposals for Baltic Sea and Kattegat

Several scientific studies provide proof of the successes of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in enhancing biodiversity and benefiting sea life and habitats (e.g. FAO 2012 and references therein). MPAs provide species and habitats a place to rebuild and flourish; and they are also needed to maintain and restore (when possible) the damaged ecosystems. The areas … Read more

EU External Fisheries: How To Make them Transparent, Accountable And Sustainable

In 2015 the rules governing both the authorisations provided to the European Union’s large fishing fleet operating outside EU waters, and the authorisations of non-EU countries’ vessels such as Norway, Iceland and Faroe Islands to fish in EU waters, will be rewritten. The coalition of organisations working to tackle IUU fishing considers that the reform … Read more

Oceana recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2016. Baltic Sea Stocks

In advance of the next EU Fisheries Council decision on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea, Oceana releases its recommendations for setting total allowable catches (TACs) for 2016, in line with the most recently available scientific advice and aimed at ensuring EU fisheries recover from overfishing within the committed deadlines. EU Member states shall ensure … Read more

Preliminary data on deep-sea benthic habitats documented in four macaronesian seamounts

Seamounts are considered biodiversity hotspots and the Macaronesian region hosts over one hundred of them. However, biological information on these underwater elevations remains scarce. In 2014, Oceana launched an at-sea campaign aimed at identifying and describing deep-sea benthic communities that inhabit several Macaronesian slopes and remote seamounts. As a preliminary outcome, the presence of Vulnerable … Read more