
The distribution of many coral species remains unknown today. The well known species are the ones that are commercially exploited, but there are many little known or completely unknown species with unlikely geographical distributions. Apart from direct harvesting of some species, other factors also negatively affect coral populations, including bottom trawling and the climate change, both due … Read more


Of the 307 shark species assessed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 50 are listed as vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered, but only the white whale and basking sharks are protected internationally under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Sharks now represent the greatest percentage of threatened marine species … Read more


Protecting cetaceans is an important part of protecting marine ecosystems in general. The Habitat Directive  advises to create marine protected areas for these species, and consequently, Spanish laws state the presence of cetaceans as one of the reasons for creating National Parks. These marine animals’ social nature and their distribution near the coast, and in shallow … Read more


People exposed to high levels of mercury in fish can experience health effects such as delayed neurological development in children. Both the Food and Drug Administration and the Environmental Protection Agency have advised women of childbearing age and children not to eat certain types of fish due to high levels of mercury. Elevated mercury levels … Read more

Stopping Pollution

Marine life and ocean ecosystems are threatened by renewed interest in oil drilling in the ocean spurred by a period of high gasoline prices. Expanded offshore drilling increases the risk of oil contamination to wildlife and communities, and contributes to economic losses and climate change. The risks are especially serious  in the Arctic, a unique … Read more

Clean Energy

Renewable energies play an important role to mitigate the effects of climate change which is endorsed by the international development of these technologies and the increased percentage of these in each country’s energy mix. There are important differences among countries regarding the implementation of policies and development of technology and the presence of renewable energies … Read more


Not all emitted CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere. The oceans and forests act like drainers and have an important role in reducing the impacts caused by climate change. Since the beginning of industrialisation, the oceans have absorbed 30% of the CO2 emitted. This, along with the continuous and rapid increase of emissions, has serious consequences … Read more

Shipping Pollution

The shipping industry is responsible for a significant proportion of the global climate change problem. More than three percent of global carbon dioxide emissions can be attributed to ocean-going ships. This is an amount comparable to major carbon-emitting countries — and the industry continues to grow rapidly. In fact, if global shipping were a country, … Read more

Climate Change

Without the oceans, global warming would be far worse than it already is. Unfortunately, the oceans are being overwhelmed by the massive amounts of carbon dioxide they are absorbing. As the oceans become “full” of carbon dioxide, the rate at which they can continue to absorb carbon dioxide slows down, resulting in more carbon dioxide … Read more