NGOs concerned over threats to block EU fisheries reform

A number of countries, including France, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Greece and Romania, are resisting efforts to find common ground with the European Parliament on key issues such as fleet management and discards. Coveney must not give in to these short-sighted positions but instead re-double his efforts to win agreement with all fisheries ministers for an … Read more

OCEANA: Paramount decision adopted today for the future of EU seas

In an historical move, the European Parliament today adopted an ambitious position for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. After almost twenty months of debate,  502 of the voting members supported a reform that will ensure that fish stocks are rebuilt above levels which can produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015, that discarding … Read more

OCEANA: Paramount decision adopted today for the future of EU seas

In an historical move, the European Parliament today adopted an ambitious position for the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. After almost twenty months of debate,  502 of the voting members supported a reform that will ensure that fish stocks are rebuilt above levels which can produce the Maximum Sustainable Yield by 2015, that discarding … Read more

Dramatic Reforms for Europe’s Fisheries

The European Parliament approved major reforms to the Common Fishery Policy, a law that manages all European fisheries. Members overwhelmingly voted in favor of a comprehensive reform policy that includes amendments – many of which were proposed by Oceana – that require member states to fish all stocks at sustainable levels by 2015 and comply … Read more

An update on fisheries subsidies

With all the cheer around yesterday’s vote on the CFP, we wanted to make sure that a couple of pieces of good news on fisheries subsidies didn’t slip through the cracks. Yesterday, both the Parliament’s Fisheries and Budget committees voted through several amendments aimed at blocking funding for fishermen who do not comply with fishing … Read more

Fisheries Parliament Committee Shines in CFP vote

We knew it was going to be a big week for fisheries in Brussels. The vote out of the EU Parliament’s Fisheries Committee was beyond what even we had hoped for. We are so very proud that the majority of the MEPs fought for a sustainable future for European fisheries. Thank you, for representing the … Read more

What a week ahead!

There is nothing like ending the year with a bang, and this week, a couple of major votes and decisions are coming up that will affect EU fisheries. Tomorrow, the PECH Committee of the European Parliament is voting on the reform of the CFP – this is the last and most important vote in the … Read more

E.U. Parliament Votes to Curb Overfishing

After 18 months of negotiations, the Fisheries Committee of the EU parliament voted to put in place new measures that would effectively end overfishing and greatly improve the way the EU manages its fisheries, which have been historically poor managed and overfished. In recent years, the majority of its scientifically-assessed fisheries have been found to be … Read more

Oceana statement on voting outcome of part of the CFP reform package

Yesterday  the European Parliament voted on part of the Common Fisheries Policy reform package, the outcome of which, despite a close vote, is disappointing according to Oceana: “We are disappointed by the lack of ambition shown today by the European Parliament. The decision to reject the objective to recover and restore fish stocks above levels … Read more