Clean Energy: Learn More

According to sources from the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), offshore power in Europe in 2020 is expected to reach 40,000MW and 150,000MW in 2030. Currently, Spain does not have any marine MW, not even a testing turbine. The Renewable Energy Plan 2005-2010 considered the possibility of installing 10,000 testing marine MW on our coasts.  … Read more

Clean Energy: What Oceana Does

Oceana demands the public entitities to adopt the following measures: Support and promote offshore wind energy and other sources of marine energy as long as all environmental conditions are respected. Adopt important simplified administrative procedures that regulate offshore wind energy (RD 1028/2007) in order to eliminate the existing barriers. Include Marine Energies (offshore wind, waves, … Read more

Clean Energy: Overview

The serious effects of Climate Change on our planet, ecosystems and populations make this one a particularly important moment: it is the end of fossil fuel and the beginning of a new era of renewable energies. Renewable energies play an important role to mitigate the effects of climate change which is endorsed by the international … Read more