A meeting about the future for the Baltic Sea

This week, representatives from Member States around the Baltic Sea, are meeting in Tallinn, Estonia to discuss multi species fisheries management and a discard ban in the Baltic Sea. Stakeholders have been invited to give their point of view, and Oceana will be there. We’re expecting some interesting discussions between the Member States, fisheries and … Read more

Seeing Blue: Celebrating Earth Day

Arthur C. Clarke once said: “How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.” He wasn’t off mark. Did you know that, in terms of volume, the oceans occupy 99% of planet Earth? That’s why we wanted to honour this Earth Day by celebrating our incredible, mysterious oceans. We believe that … Read more

Oceana welcomes EU Parliament adoption of Skagerrak discard ban

Yesterday an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament voted for a gradual ban on the discarding of unwanted fish in the Skagerrak. Oceana welcomes this bold step towards ending the wasteful practice of throwing millions of tons of fish back into the sea. “It is rewarding to see that the Parliament is sticking to defending … Read more

The Risks of Fish Restocking: the Case of the Baltic Sea

Sport fishing has throughout history been a way to relax, get away from it all and be closer to nature. Many people think that recreational fishing doesn’t have a big influence on fish populations, but in fact it accounts for approximately one quarter of the total amount of salmon caught in the Baltic Sea region … Read more

Race for the Baltic – a joint campaign to save the Baltic

Today Race for the Baltic  launched; the campaign is a joint initiative of three environmental NGOs (Fish Secretariat, Coalition Clean Baltic and Oceana) in collaboration with the political organization GLOBE, entrepreneurs, and business partners, joining forces to call for action to save the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas … Read more

’Race for the Baltic’ campaign shines spotlight on damaged sea

‘Race for the Baltic’, a campaign calling for urgent action to save the Baltic Sea launched today. The campaign, which brings together a coalition of NGOs, businesses, concerned citizens and policy makers – founded by Zennström philanthropies, Coalition Clean Baltic, FISH, GLOBE and Oceana – is calling on Environmental Ministers to fulfill the goals agreed … Read more

Oceana proposes to increase protected marine surface of Baltic Sea to 20%

All proposed areas include vulnerable, threatened or declining species or communities which  need immediate protection. Oceana is proposing new marine protected areas (MPAs) in order to enhance the status of the Baltic Sea, and improve the condition of its badly disturbed ecosystems. The twelve areas proposed are located in the waters of Denmark, Finland, Sweden, … Read more

Denmark allows destruction of marine protected area

Earlier this month, we were flabbergasted by news of the Danish government’s decision to renew permits for mussel dredging inside marine protected areas in their waters, which stands in stark contrast to the country’s conservation objectives. Hanna Paulomaki, Baltic Sea project manager and marine scientist at Oceana provided a statement on the bizarre decision: “It … Read more

Oceana calls on HELCOM countries to ensure the Baltic Sea action plan guides environmental policy in the region

The Member States of the Helsinki Convention on the protection of the Baltic Sea Marine Environment gathered at the 34th Meeting of the Helsinki Commission (HELCOM) in Finland, on 5 to 6 March 2013 to decide on urgent rescue measures to halt the degradation of the Baltic marine environment. Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, … Read more

Sharks in the Baltic Sea & Kattegat

When you hear about sharks, most people automatically think about the tropics and crystal clear blue waters. But the truth is that there are sharks all around the world, even in the cold waters of the Baltic Sea. In fact, 31 species of sharks, rays and chimaeras (class of Cartilaginous fish-Chondrichthyes), have been recorded in … Read more