No sound in the Sound

Second day with the ROV dives in the Sound sampling bottoms around -30 meters to know how several biological communities have evolved. Haploops (those small crustaceans living in tubes) have almost disappeared; that is bad news. And horse mussels are present in small groups. Now, brittle stars cover most of the muddy beds in the … Read more

25 april 2012

I have never been in the ship for more than couple hours. And to stay on board for not full 3 days looked challenging. As I am not a marine biologist and my profession is in any way related with nature and science, before coming to expedition I was concern about few questions “ What … Read more

Baltic Expedition 2012 – We’re off!

You may remember last year around this time, we launched our first ever expedition into the Baltic Sea. It’s that time of year again! Our chartered research vessel, the Hanse Explorer, set sail yesterday. Our team will spend two months covering 7,000 miles through the waters of the nine countries bordering the Baltic Sea (Denmark, … Read more

The first day of fieldwork

Today was our first day of fieldwork of the 2012 expedition. Throughout the day we managed to conduct four surveys with the (ROV) in the area east of the Danish island of Anholt in Kattegat. We filmed lots of interesting habitats and communities. One of the more interesting organisms we met at 35 meters depth … Read more

Baltic Expedition 2012: Overview

Oceana is undertaking a six-week Baltic Sea expedition in 2012. The studied areas are defined based on government reactions to our marine protected areas proposals, suggestions from other NGOs and the environmental ministries of several countries, as well as areas that Oceana has identified as in need of more intensive research after 2011 expedition. Oceana … Read more


Today at noon our chartered expedition vessel the “Hanse Explorer” left Copenhagen to start operations with the underwater robot (ROV) and divers in the Kattegat. That was after a 24 hour stopover in that harbor to load the last pieces of equipment on board. Before that, the Oceana ship had sailed from its shipyard in … Read more