A responsible attitude after a ferry accident in Balearic Islands

Very often here at Oceana, we are faced with the task of making recommendations when ship accidents happen and we always demand that companies immediately remove pollutants than can cause an environmental disaster. Today none of this will be necessary, because the shipping company that owns “Maverick Two”, the ferry that ran aground last week … Read more

Fishing in the Balearic Islands: Artisanal vs. Trawling

The Balearic Islands have a long history of artisanal fishing. Apart from being a way to make a livelihood, this activity also represents a rich cultural tradition that distinguishes these islands from elsewhere. Unfortunately, overfishing among other factors, has led to a sharp decline in artisanal fishing in this archipelago. Pressure from industrial bottom trawlers, … Read more

Balearic Islands: Posidonia

The largest Posidonia reef that can be found throughout Spain and the Mediterranean is located in Baleares, in the Ses Salines d’Eivissa i Formentera protected area. It is considered the world’s oldest organism, around 100,000 years old, as its origin dates from the Pleistocene epoch. Erroneously considered a type of seaweed, Posidonia (Posidonia oceanica) is … Read more

Balearic Islands: Overview

The Balearic Island archipelago is located in the western Mediterranean Sea off Spain’s eastern coast. The archipelago consists of three major islands (Majorca, Minorca, and Ibiza) with other small islands such as Cabrera and Formentera. Inhabited from around 4000 B.C., the first real settlements developed with the arrival of the Carthaginians in 654 B.C. Currently, … Read more