Distribution and swimming ability of the deep-sea holothuroid Penilpidia ludwigi (Holothuroidea: Elasipodida: Elpidiidae)

The deep-sea elpidiid holothuroid, Penilpidia ludwigi, was recorded using a Remotely Operated Vehicle in the Western, Central, and Eastern Mediterranean Sea. This species, endemic to the basin, was previously captured above the seabed in sediment traps and based on these records its swimming ability was assumed. The present study reports the first in situ observations of … Read more

Towards the Creation of a Marine Protected Area in the Aeolian Islands

Executive Summary The Aeolian archipelago, off the northern coast of Sicily, has long been recognised as a major area of importance for marine biodiversity. The waters surrounding these volcanic islands are characterised by steeply sloped bottoms that host a wide array of habitats – including seagrass meadows, seamounts, and hydrothermal vents – over a large … Read more

Le spedizioni di Oceana rivelano la diffusione dell’inquinamento da plastica nelle zone di acque profonde europee

Appello urgente volto a frenare la produzione di plastica e a mettere in atto schemi di riciclaggio efficaci per preservare la biodiversità degli oceani. In occasione della Giornata mondiale dell’oceano, Oceana vuole richiamare l’attenzione sulla crescente quantità di rifiuti in plastica che sta soffocando le specie di acque profonde minacciate e quelle vulnerabili. Per ogni … Read more

Spedizione isole Eolie: Comunicato stampa 20/06/2018

< Tornare indietro La spedizione in mare aperto di Oceana rivela rigogliose foreste coralline intorno ai vulcani sottomarini nelle Eolie I ricercatori hanno trovato, a un chilometro di profondità, una spettacolare foresta di coralli bambù, rare spugne carnivore e specie mai viste prima nella regione La spedizione di Oceana, durata un mese, ha svelato la presenza … Read more

The Mediterranean as it is

We’re sailing towards one of our research zones on the second to last day of the expedition. Even though we’re here to document the seafloor, we make sure nothing escapes our eyes, binoculars or cameras: seabirds, dolphins, turtles, tunas, swordfish…we’re documenting everything we see on the water’s surface. We’re in the Mediterranean and we’re waiting … Read more

On the slopes of the volcano

Today we spend the day at the foot of the Stromboli volcano, its impressive 924 m (3,031 ft) cone a constant presence. Still active, several fumaroles can be seen on the summit. The countdown has already begun. We’re in the final stretch of the campaign. We’ll be heading home soon. 


We’re nearing the end of the expedition. The Aeolian Islands are a spectacular place to work, vacations here must be genuinely amazing. The people are peculiarly charming and you breathe an age-old peace and a sense of tranquility that we’re missing so much in our daily life. The Mediterranean is treating us extremely well and … Read more

Final Stretch

Ready to face the final stretch of the Aeolian Expedition: Here we are, just six days away from the end of the expedition, again. It seems like just yesterday that we embarked. In short, tomorrow we head to Stromboli, the closing party in Lipari and the trip home. Here’s where I say goodbye, thrilled with … Read more

Two Years in the Making

My first day on board this expedition, as I join for the final week of work in the deep areas surrounding the beautiful Aeolians. I was last in Salina nearly two years ago, participating in a think tank hosted by the Aeolian Islands Preservation Fund, in which we discussed potential ways forward for creating a … Read more