As exciting as expected

When I was asked by our Science Director Ricardo Aguilar last winter if I wanted to join on-board the Ranger for Oceana´s Malta expedition it was very difficult not to sound overly excited (which I probably did) when saying yes. Because I REALLY wanted to go on-board the Ranger. And, here I am! Finally! Sailing … Read more

Unexpected visitors

Today was a day full of mud, vast plains, and more mud. Days like these are quiet for sailors, as they do not have to frantically lift up the umbilical cable before the imminent encounter with a 100-meter wall. That lets us spend the breaks quietly and observe what the robot sees. Today, our immersion … Read more

Treasure onboard

Work is hard but we know there´ll be an immense payoff Hidden beneath the giant´s unpredictable skin and guarded by Neptune himself.Protected by unfathomable chains and kept in a silver glitter trunk and smells of the sea. Keep going crew!! The reward is shared on the Ranger´s deck when the sun sets in Gozo Island. … Read more

Looking for caves

The Habitats Directive lists a number of marine habitats present in European waters, identified as being of “Community interest”. These are: shallow sand banks, seagrass meadows, reefs, underwater caves and several formations originated by gas emissions. Member States are required by this Directive to determine the presence of these habitats in their waters and protect … Read more

Scarcity counts

Last night FC Barcelona won the Champions league. That is the only interesting event I can recall from the last 24 hours that hasn’t been as exciting as I would have expected. Still, the ROV went over more than one kilometer –  at depths of 954m -this might appear easy, but it is actually tough … Read more

Ballast entangled

At 7:00 am, the crew starts appearing on deck; by 7:30 we are ready to throw the lines and leave the harbour. We head northwest, surrounding the island near its cliffs. Half an hour later, everything is ready to put the ROV into the water. The first dive is carried out without too much trouble, … Read more

Sailing with dolphins

Right after breakfast, the Ranger engines begin to roar, indicating we are heading to a new spot; dolphins make a great morning company until we finally got to the point of immersion (in the channel´s area). Once our vessel´s gear stops, each crew member takes their position to launch the ROV into the water: checking … Read more

Heading to a new spot

Right after breakfast, the Ranger engines begin to roar, indicating we are heading to a new spot; dolphins make a great morning company until we finally got to the point of immersion (in the channel´s area). Once our vessel´s gear stops, each crew member takes their position to launch the ROV into the water: checking … Read more

Opening the eyes of the world

Hello, and welcome to the diaries of an expedition by Oceana. I will try and give everyone a picture of what it is like to be part of such an exciting adventure. My part in this expedition is a small, but I would like to think important, part. I will be the engineer/first mate aboard … Read more

There is life in the mud

Hello! My name’s Yaiza and I’m working as a marine scientist on the Oceana Ranger. My main roles on the boat are to support navigation and repairs, particularly the manoeuvres with the ROV. We’ve moored in Sagunto, Valencia, passing through Burriana and Barcelona, before venturing towards the Menorca channel and arriving in Tunisia four days … Read more