Clean Energy: Overview

The serious effects of Climate Change on our planet, ecosystems and populations make this one a particularly important moment: it is the end of fossil fuel and the beginning of a new era of renewable energies. Renewable energies play an important role to mitigate the effects of climate change which is endorsed by the international … Read more

Climate Change: Overview

The oceans play an important role in regulating the Earth’s temperature. As the levels of carbon dioxide and heat rise in the atmosphere, so do their levels in the oceans. Since the Industrial Revolution, we have added close to 1.5 trillion metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and the oceans have absorbed about … Read more

California Current: Overview

The California Current ocean ecosystem is one of the most productive and diverse temperate marine ecosystems in the world.  This large marine ecosystem is defined by the predominant ocean current that moves south along the western coast of North America, starting off the coast of southern British Columbia and ending off the coast of southern … Read more