Offshore drilling ban in the United States

The US Department of the Interior has announced that in the new five-year drilling plan, no new offshore drilling would be allowed in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The Eastern Gulf of Mexico will be protected from offshore oil and gas exploration for the next seven years. These … Read more

ICCAT: Learn More About Sharks

Sharks throughout the world’s oceans are subjected to high catch levels in fisheries, as both targeted and incidental catches. Globally, scientists have noted that three-quarters of oceanic pelagic sharks and rays have an increased risk of extinction as a result of overfishing. Sharks are caught in conjunction with many ICCAT fisheries, including by some longline … Read more

ICCAT: Species at Risk

Oceana is working to establish science-based, sustainable management of the species that ICCAT oversees, specifically bluefin tuna, sharks and swordfish. Bluefin Tuna Bluefin tuna, a highly sought-after fish for sushi, has been heavily overfished in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. In 2006, ICCAT adopted a recover plan that progressively has improve the stock biomass … Read more

ICCAT: Overview

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is an international body responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent waters, such as the Mediterranean Sea.  ICCAT is principally concerned with fishes such as tunas and swordfish, and is also responsible for species caught … Read more

ICCAT: Learn More About Swordfish

Oceana Recommendations for an effective management framework for Mediterranean swordfish under ICCAT Mediterranean swordfish management has repeatedly been ignored to the detriment of the conservation of this species. Despite the status of the stock, and the absence of reliable data on real catch and fleet participation, the fishery has remained an open access one. In … Read more

ICCAT: Learn More About Bluefin Tuna

Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) is an emblematic species that has been driven close to extinction in the past by overfishing and international trade demand. The most recent scientific assessments show signs of recovery, but uncertainties remain about the status of bluefin in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Bluefin tuna is a top … Read more