Oceana MedNet: Overview

Despite being considered one of the planet’s most important areas for marine biodiversity, the Mediterranean (2,500,000km2) is practically in the same state as the rest of the world’s seas and currently only 4% of its area is protected. After analyzing the existing data Oceana has launched Oceana MedNet, the first comprehensive network of Marine Protected … Read more

New data to protect the sea area in front of Doñana

In the coming months, Oceana will be presenting new data, video footage and photographs taken off the coast of Doñana National Park. This documentation was compiled during the 2010 Oceana Ranger Expedition, conducted with the support of Fundación Biodiversidad (Spanish). Oceana’s scientists are currently studying this material, including species never before found in the area. … Read more

Offshore drilling ban in the United States

The US Department of the Interior has announced that in the new five-year drilling plan, no new offshore drilling would be allowed in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico or off the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The Eastern Gulf of Mexico will be protected from offshore oil and gas exploration for the next seven years. These … Read more

ICCAT: Overview

The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) is an international body responsible for the conservation and management of tuna and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent waters, such as the Mediterranean Sea.  ICCAT is principally concerned with fishes such as tunas and swordfish, and is also responsible for species caught … Read more

Ulia-Jaizkibel: Learn More

The Natura 2000 Network The EU Habitats Directive is the most important regulation in environmental matters. This Directive establishes, amongst others, a list of species for which each Member State must create special areas of conservation. These areas set up the named European environmental network of protected areas, the Natura 2000 Network Only 5 habitats … Read more

Ulia-Jaizkibel: What Oceana Does

Oceana proposed the protection of a cross-border area between France and Spain including 27,304 marine hectares, if the almost 13,000 ha off Jaizkibel-Ulia were added. This would create one of the most diverse and important ecological corridors in the European Atlantic, including 50 protected species and a dozen communities and habitats of international interest distributed … Read more

Ulia-Jaizkibel: Overview

The Basque coast and its marine extension have significantly suffered from the impact of coastal occupation and the use of its resources throughout the years and as a result, most of its natural environment has been altered by human activity. However, the area located between the cliffs of Ulia and Jaizkibel coast are almost untouched, … Read more

Learn More: Options for Dealing with a Spill

Once the oil is in the water there are really no good options for dealing with a spill, none of the options available are fully effective and each has negative impacts. Once a spill occurs, we are left with no choice but to find the lesser of damages. The bottom line is that with continued … Read more