Canary Islands: Overview

The Canary Island archipelago is located in front of the coasts of the western Sahara, north of the Cape Verde Islands. Thanks to this location, the subtropical climate leads to the development of unique species and habitats with presence of tropical and southern species as well as a variety of autochthonous species. Studies concerning marine … Read more


Open ocean aquaculture, without strict environmental regulation, poses a serious threat to marine life, fisheries, and the health of the oceans in general. Aquaculture facilities can be significant sources of pollution, including excess feed, fish waste and dead fish. This waste can spur excess algae growth, clouding coastal waters and altering seafloor ecosystems. The high … Read more

Mercury: Overview

Mercury is a dangerous chemical, finding its way into the oceans and the seafood we eat. Mercury released to the environment from industrial sources ends up in our oceans, contaminating seafood. Because it builds up in wildlife through a process called bioaccumulation, animals high on the food chain carry the most mercury. Many of the … Read more

Acidification: Overview

Acidification is one of the consequences of excessive CO2 emissions, which have accelerated climate change, one of the most important challenges humanity has to face in this century. The climate has constantly varied throughout the planet’s history due to the changes related to solar or volcanic activity, but since the Industrial Revolution, human action has … Read more

Clean Energy: Overview

The serious effects of Climate Change on our planet, ecosystems and populations make this one a particularly important moment: it is the end of fossil fuel and the beginning of a new era of renewable energies. Renewable energies play an important role to mitigate the effects of climate change which is endorsed by the international … Read more

Climate Change: Overview

The oceans play an important role in regulating the Earth’s temperature. As the levels of carbon dioxide and heat rise in the atmosphere, so do their levels in the oceans. Since the Industrial Revolution, we have added close to 1.5 trillion metric tons of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and the oceans have absorbed about … Read more

Climate & Energy

Ever sinces Earth’s creation, the oceans have been absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide in a system that keeps our planet’s atmosphere in balance. Now, because of the burning of fossil fuels, the oceans are becoming saturated with carbon. Carbon dioxide is changing the very chemistry of the oceans, causing them to become more acidic … Read more