Court Rules in Favor of Oceana on Bycatch

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of Oceana in a suit that will require commercial fisheries from North Carolina to the Canadian border to monitor and report the amount of bycatch, or untargeted marine life, they discard. The decision is a triumph against one of the biggest problems … Read more

Court Rules in Favor of Oceana on Bycatch

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia ruled in favor of Oceana in a suit that will require commercial fisheries from North Carolina to the Canadian border to monitor and report the amount of bycatch, or untargeted marine life, they discard. The decision is a triumph against one of the biggest problems … Read more

Fighting for the Fish

The problem of discards is one of the greatest failures of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). If you follow our blog you’ll have read about it in the past. The numbers are disgusting – truthfully: 1.3 Million tons of marine fish (and other organisms) are discarded and dumped overboard (dead most often than not) … Read more

Towards a sustainable Common Fisheries Policy – 10 Recommendations

1. The Common Fisheries policy should prioritise ecological sustainability. 2. The Common Fisheries Policy should apply an ecosystem-based approach to the management of fishing activities. 3. The Common Fisheries policy should implement a science-based approach. 4. The Common Fisheries Policy should effectively apply the precautionary approach. 5. The Common Fisheries Policy should implement a flexible … Read more

Fish for Thought

Imagine if Spaniards only ate fish from their own waters. Yesterday, Spain ran out of its own fish stocks, and now will have to depend on imports from other countries – for the rest of the year. May 8th marked Fish Dependence Day in Spain, about two months ahead of Fish Dependence Day for the … Read more

Oceana urges European Commission to put an end to the 1.3 million tonnes of wasted marine resources every year

Today, stakeholders, including Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, gathered at the European Commission to exchange views on the issue of discards. Currently, due to the lack of proper regulations by the EU and Member States, and the complicity of the fishing industry, around 1,3 million tonnes of marine resources, representing 13% of total catches, … Read more