Preliminary reaction to European Maritime and Fisheries Fund proposal

Europe’s fishing grounds were once amongst the most productive in the world, but thirty years of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) have resulted in serious depletion of fish populations, ecosystem degradation, and damage to species, habitats and sites. Today, 63% of the assessed stocks in the Atlantic are overfished, 82% of the assessed stocks in … Read more

Fisheries Ministers fail at setting proper 2012 catch limits

Perhaps it would do well to give you all a little background in how fishing opportunities are set in the EU for the Atlantic, before I get to the point. Every year, scientists from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) get together and use whatever data is available to determine the … Read more

Oceana bemoans irresponsible 2012 fishing opportunities

Oceana is disappointed in the agreement reached today by European Fisheries Ministers concerning Total Allowable Catches (TACs) for the Atlantic European fleet. The approved fishing limits ignore 41% of scientific advice and are a clear move away from the precautionary proposal tabled by the Commission. In establishing these TACs EU Member states are extending the … Read more

Nemo at risk: Finding Nemo’s marine friends in trouble

It’s no secret that Finding Nemo is one of my absolute favorite movies, and apparently, I’m not alone in this. Finding Nemo was the second highest grossing movie in 2003, right behind The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (another favorite of mine…but I digress). So it was quite upsetting when I woke … Read more