Deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic: Fisheries impacts

Data on deep-sea fisheries catches, discards, landings and fishing effort are scarce. However, scientific evidence suggests that most EU deep-sea stocks have been exploited beyond levels that are sustainable. Many stocks are depleted below levels that are considered to be biologically risky, with 21 species now prohibited for retention or landing, due to concerns about … Read more

200 scientists urge EU Parliament to invest in rebuilding fish stocks

Two hundred scientists have signed a letter urging the European Parliament to stop investing in the environmentally harmful subsidies that the Fisheries Committee has voted for. On October 23, the Parliament will vote on the new financial mechanism for fisheries for the next seven years– the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF). “The Parliament cannot … Read more

A new era for European fisheries?

As the European Parliament plenary vote on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) approaches, we need to put pressure on MEPs to make sure that they vote for a fund that is in line with the new Common Fisheries Policy’s objectives. The new EMFF will define the way aid is granted to the European … Read more

Deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic: Overview

The deep-sea starts at 200 m below the surface, where sunlight does not penetrate – but where fisheries still operate, reaching down to more than 1500 m. Most deep-sea fisheries in the North-East Atlantic sprang up in the second half of the 20th century, after the decline of traditional continental shelf stocks, and with the … Read more

Has bluefin tuna recovered?

Bluefin tuna, the iconic Mediterranean species, has for several years served as a dramatic example of how commercial greed can drive a species to the verge of collapse. Its critical situation triggered an international campaign to set reasonable catch limits, and eventually countries agreed to act. But what has become of bluefin tuna since? Has … Read more

Oceana urges caution in response to the fuel price crisis in the fisheries sector

Oceana, the international ocean conservation organisation, remains convinced that increasing fuel subsidies is not an appropriate response to rising fuel prices and urges governments to find longer term structural solutions to help the sector adapt to a future with higher fuel costs and ensure the long term sustainability of the sector. Oceana believes that governments … Read more

Who finances and who promotes the disappearance of bluefin tuna?

The international ocean conservation organisation calls for the immediate closure of the Balearic fishing grounds and criticises the contradictory measures adopted by implicated states European funds have been used to finance the overexploitation of bluefin tuna in the Mediterranean. A report published recently by WWF denounces the fleet’s overcapacity. According to Oceana´s data, overcapacity in … Read more