Critical WTO talks collapse on agriculture and industrial goods

“Oceana is extremely disappointed by the failure of the WTO to reach agreement on the key areas in the Doha round. Other important negotiating areas, such as fisheries subsidies, have unfortunately fallen victim to the collapse of larger issues within the round,” has declared Courtney Sakai, senior campaign director of Oceana based in the United … Read more

Oceana calls on EU Fisheries Ministers to catch up on deep-sea protection

Oceana calls on EU Fisheries Ministers to match the efforts made by the European Commission and the European Parliament to address the critical situation of the North-East Atlantic deep-sea. The plenary of the Parliament will vote on a new regulation for deep-sea fisheries on December 10, prior to reaching an agreement with the Council of … Read more

Oceana report unveils hidden shark catches

A new report by Oceana, based on Hong Kong shark fin trade data and other sources, has revealed that up to 24 countries may be catching sharks in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea but failing to report these catches, as is legally required by the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The … Read more

Oceana: EU Parliament votes for deep-sea fisheries management reform but falls short of prohibiting destructive fishing

Oceana applauds the adoption of a broad set of measures to strengthen deep-sea fisheries management in the North-East Atlantic Ocean, today by the European Parliament Fisheries Committee. Among the adopted amendments are those within a package of political compromises that were carefully negotiated by MEP Kriton Arsenis, which would introduce: a stronger scientific basis for … Read more

Oceana calls on European Parliament to reform deep-sea fisheries management

Oceana urges the European Parliament Fisheries Committee to vote today in favour of strong management measures for North-East Atlantic deep-sea fisheries, to end overfishing and protect vulnerable marine ecosystems. EU deep-sea fisheries in this region are currently managed under weak legislation from 2002, which has left many stocks overfished and ecosystems such as deep-sea corals … Read more