Oceana denounces Council decision on deep-sea fishing opportunities

Yesterday, the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the European Union reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for deep-sea species for 2015 and 2016. Although catches will be reduced for many deep-sea stocks, Oceana is deeply disappointed that catch limits were nevertheless set higher than scientifically advised for 63% of stocks, putting these vulnerable species at … Read more

Oceana welcomes European Commission proposal on fishing opportunities for 2015

Today, the European Commission has proposed fishing opportunities for 2015 for the main commercial fish stocks in Atlantic waters and the North Sea. In accordance with the objectives of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the Commission has recommended catch limits that achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) by 2015, and comply with the new discard … Read more

Oceana avverte che la UE sta chiudendo un occhio sulla sovrapesca del pesce spada

Lo stock è per il 70% sotto livelli sostenibili e considerato sovrapescato dal 2003. L’UE non agisce nonostante il 90% della flotta responsabile sia europea e il 60% italiana. Oceana, l’organizzazione internazionale per la conservazione dell’ambiente marino, lancia oggi un allarme sulla riluttanza dell’Unione Europea nell’intraprendere misure per il recupero del pesce spada in Mediterraneo. … Read more