Seafood Fraud and Fishy Lies- Several things you probably didn’t know (I)

Imagine the situation. You went out to a restaurant and paid a lot of money for a dish that was described on the menu as a steak of wild, fresh cod. But, how would you feel if you found out that the expensive fillet you just ate was actually a different species altogether that was … Read more

Oceana reveals European Commission documents proving illegal fishing of Mediterranean swordfish

Despite overfishing, EU refusing to take action to recover Mediterranean swordfish As EU Member State representatives meet in Brussels to discuss the EU position on management of highly migratory species such as bluefin tuna and swordfish, Oceana has unveiled a report by the European Commission that proves how the Italian fleet blatantly violates current international … Read more

Oceana welcomes European Commission proposal on fishing opportunities for 2015

Today, the European Commission has proposed fishing opportunities for 2015 for the main commercial fish stocks in Atlantic waters and the North Sea. In accordance with the objectives of the new Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), the Commission has recommended catch limits that achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) by 2015, and comply with the new discard … Read more

OCEANA alerts that EU is turning blind eye to swordfish overfishing

EU maintains inaction despite accounting for 90% of the fleet responsible. Oceana, the international marine conservation organisation, has sounded the alarm today on the European Union’s reluctance to take measures for the recovery of Mediterranean swordfish. According to an assessment carried out by scientists earlier this year, the stock is overfished; it has declined steeply … Read more

Oceana avverte che la UE sta chiudendo un occhio sulla sovrapesca del pesce spada

Lo stock è per il 70% sotto livelli sostenibili e considerato sovrapescato dal 2003. L’UE non agisce nonostante il 90% della flotta responsabile sia europea e il 60% italiana. Oceana, l’organizzazione internazionale per la conservazione dell’ambiente marino, lancia oggi un allarme sulla riluttanza dell’Unione Europea nell’intraprendere misure per il recupero del pesce spada in Mediterraneo. … Read more

EU Clears Five States Following their Improvements in Fighting Illegal Fishing, While Red-carding Sri-Lanka

Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), Oceana, The Pew Charitable Trusts and WWF welcome the announcement by the EU Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Maria Damanaki, to lift the threat of trade sanctions for five states which had faced the risk of punitive trade measures for failing to cooperate in fighting Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) … Read more

Oceana disappointed as EU fisheries Ministers ignore scientific advice

Today, EU Fisheries Ministers met to negotiate the 2015 Total Allowable Catches (TAC) for the Baltic Sea stocks. Regretfully, the Ministers decided to ignore scientific advice for cod , going against their own agreement under the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to achieve fisheries management in line with Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY, which is the theoretical … Read more

Three months to phase-out overfishing

Brussels, 10 October 2014 – As usual for this time of year, EU fisheries ministers are about to start haggling over fishing limits. Starting next week, the Fisheries Council will be deciding on the total allowable catches for most fish stocks in European waters for 2015/2016. This year’s decisions will be more important than ever … Read more

Oceana: Commission’s proposal for sustainable fisheries in the Baltic Sea neglects cod

Yesterday, the European Commission finally published its management plan proposal for cod, sprat and herring which has been anticipated for many years. Oceana welcomes this step, as it is the first time ever that the EU has addressed fisheries management with an attempt at understanding how ecosystems function; from prey to predators instead of single-species … Read more

Oceana: European Commission falls short with deep-sea fisheries proposal

Today, the European Commission published its biennial proposal on fishing opportunities for deep-sea species, for 2015 and 2016. While for most stocks the Commission has proposed total allowable catches (TACs) that follow scientific advice, it has failed to propose drastic reductions that were recommended by scientists for three key stocks, and has neglected to consider … Read more