Ecosystem-based guidelines – the key to fisheries management plans

Lately, I have been involved in discussions on the Commission’s proposal for a multi-annual management plan for cod, sprat and herring, and the fisheries exploiting those stocks in the Baltic Sea. This is the first plan of its kind developed under the renewed Common Fisheries Policy. Eagerly awaited by stakeholders and managers, the plan is … Read more

Evolución de la pesca en Baleares en el último siglo

Realizamos una estimación de las capturas totales reales de las Islas Baleares, obteniendo un resultado de 570.500 t desde 1950 a 2010. Los desembarques oficiales representaron un 44%, seguido por los desembarques que se venden en el “mercado negro” (24%), descartes (18%), pesca recreativa (10%) y pesca de subsistencia (4%). Teniendo en cuenta que las capturas oficiales fueron para ese periodo 248.000 t, las capturas reales … Read more

Oceana reveals that half of the catches in the Balearic Islands over the last 60 years have not been declared

The number of fishermen has decreased by 86% and formerly abundant species have disappeared due to overfishing Oceana estimates that the actual catches from fisheries in the Balearic Islands for the period 1950-2010 are 2.3 times higher than the official totals. The study, which has taken two years, is Oceana’s contribution to the Sea Around … Read more

Spain Announces Law to Fight Pirate Fishing

Spain, which is Europe’s largest fishing country and the biggest importer and exporter of seafood products in the European Union, has become the first Member State to take action against pirate fishing. Spain introduced a new fisheries law that imposes stronger penalties on Spanish citizens found to be involved with pirate fishing anywhere around the … Read more

Oceana: EU fisheries ministers take serious step backwards in sustainable management of fish resources

Number of stocks exploited according to MSY will fall from 27 to 18 EU fisheries ministers reached an agreement concerning fishing opportunities for 2015, for the main commercial species in the Northeast Atlantic. Oceana strongly denounces the adopted catch limits, which were set above scientifically advised levels in most cases, leading, beyond logic, to a … Read more

Seafood labeling and sustainable fisheries

Seafood fraud and seafood mislabeling is unfortunately a very common and widespread problem across Europe, something that OCEANA’s previous studies in Denmark and elsewhere in France have revealed. However, it is now a bit harder for opportunistic individuals and groups to trick consumers. On Saturday, as part of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy that aims to … Read more

Oceana urges fisheries ministers to end overfishing in 2015

The Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI-FISH) will meet in Brussels on the 15th-16th of December to decide the catch limits of the main commercial fish species in the North-East Atlantic for 2015. Oceana reminds EU Member States of their obligation to maintain sustainable catch levels in the framework of Common Fisheries Policy, and urges them … Read more

Fishy Business

Every Wednesday, a small scale fisherman is right outside the supermarket I usually go to, and sells his freshly caught fish. He is very friendly and I have sometimes fallen into conversation with him over fisheries in general. He is a bit pricy, but I think it’s worth supporting small scale fishermen compared to big … Read more

Oceana fishing opportunities recommendations for 2015. North East Atlantic stocks

In response to the next EU Fisheries Council in which fishing opportunities for 2015 will be decided, Oceana would like to provide a constructive opinion on how fishing opportunities should be set for stocks in the North East Atlantic. The fishing opportunities for 2015 will be the first to be legally adopted under the commitments … Read more

Yet more species pushed to the limit

Following last week’s World Parks Congress in Sydney, the IUCN red list was updated, showing that the Pacific Bluefin tuna, Chinese puffer fish, American eel, Chinese cobra and the Australian butterfly are currently being pushed to the limit. The Pacific Bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis) was moved from the “least at risk” category to now be … Read more