Mediterranean swordfish: from the plate to the politicians’ table

Finally, Mediterranean swordfish has been recognised as an urgent issue that needs to be addressed. This is music to the ears of us at Oceana as we’ve been campaigning for this issue for many years. Finally, politicians have reacted to the terrible situation that has developed: after 30 years of overfishing, the stock is just … Read more

Oceana welcomes the European Commission’s proposal for 2016 Atlantic fishing limits

Today, the European Commission released its annual proposal of total allowable catches (TACs) for the main commercial fish species in North East Atlantic waters for 2016. Oceana has welcomed the proposal that sets a key milestone towards ending overfishing by 2020, but is disappointed that the Commission has failed to fully meet catch reductions advised by scientists … Read more

EU fisheries ministers undermine sustainable fishing in the Baltic

Oceana condemns the decision by the EU Fisheries Council on Baltic catch limits for 2016   Today, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of the EU reached an agreement on the 2016 total allowable catches (TAC) for the Baltic Sea fish stocks. Regretfully, just like the last year, European ministers have yet again decided to ignore scientific advice … Read more

EU auditors report reveals lack of transparency of EU fishing in developing countries

Oceana warns that lack of data and transparency endangers the sustainable exploitation of third countries’ resources A report by the European Court of Auditors has revealed a lack of data that jeopardises the sustainability of EU fisheries agreements with third countries (Sustainable Fisheries Partnership agreements or SFPAs). According to the Common Fisheries Policy, EU fleets … Read more

Oceana urges EU fisheries ministers to rebuild Baltic stocks by applying science

On 22nd of October, the Agriculture and Fisheries Council of the EU will gather in Luxembourg to begin their annual negotiations on catch limits for the Baltic Sea in 2016.  Oceana releases today science-based recommendations for setting Total Allowable Catches (TACs) and quotas in the region to rebuild overexploited fisheries. The organization has called the Council … Read more

Oceana recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2016. Baltic Sea Stocks

In advance of the next EU Fisheries Council decision on fishing opportunities in the Baltic Sea, Oceana releases its recommendations for setting total allowable catches (TACs) for 2016, in line with the most recently available scientific advice and aimed at ensuring EU fisheries recover from overfishing within the committed deadlines. EU Member states shall ensure … Read more

First-Ever Fishing Ban Created for Danish Marine Parks

Thanks to a new regulation by the European Union, Denmark, Germany and Sweden will cease all fishing activity on sensitive bubbling reefs and end fishing with damaging bottom gear (such as bottom trawls) over reefs in protected Danish waters of the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. The new measures are the first of their kind in the Baltic Sea, and … Read more