I paesi del Mediterraneo firmano un patto politico storico per la gestione della pesca

La prima vera pietra miliare nella gestione della pesca nel Mediterraneo precede la conferenza internazionale ‘Our Ocean’ prevista in autunno   Valletta, Malta – Oggi i ministri e rappresentanti di alto livello provenienti da paesi del Mediterraneo hanno firmato una dichiarazione storica per affrontare la crisi della pesca nella regione. La dichiarazione ministeriale, Malta MedFish4Ever, … Read more

Ministers meet to avert Mediterranean fish crisis

State representatives gather for the first time in 14 years just days after scientific study reveals Mediterranean has lost one-third of its fish due to overfishing Oceana calls for catch limits, tougher controls and protection of areas where fish breed and grow Valletta, Malta – Ministers from Mediterranean countries and representatives from the European Union … Read more

Almudena Fernández and Aritz Aranburu join the Oceana #StopOverfishing campaign

Top model Almudena Fernández and surfer Aritz Aranburu today announced their support for Oceana’s #StopOverfishing campaign, which aims to raise awareness about the problem of overfishing and ensure that European ministers take urgent action against it. In European waters, two-thirds of fish stocks are overfished. This means that more fish are caught than can reproduce, … Read more

Why there are less and less fish in the sea (and people don’t know)

Overfishing is catching too many fish and at faster rate than what they can reproduce and grow. This means that year after year there are fewer and fewer fish to catch and consume. Actually, this is one of the most critical issues facing our oceans. A recent report revealed that almost two thirds of European fish stocks … Read more

8 von 10 Deutschen wissen nicht, dass die meisten Fischarten in Europa überfischt sind

Schockierendes allgemeines Unwissen über die Misswirtschaft der europäischen Fischereien begründet die neue Oceana-Kampagne, #StopOverfishing Die von YouGov für Oceana durchgeführte Umfrage offenbart den großen Mangel an öffentlichem Bewusstsein in Deutschland darüber, wie schlecht die europäischen Fischressourcen verwaltet werden. Ein aktueller Bericht deckt auf, dass 64% der europäischen Fischbestände derzeit überfischt sind, aber die Umfrage ergab, … Read more

9 ud af 10 danskere er ikke klar over, de fleste fiskearter er overfiskede i Europa

Oceanas nye kampagne, #StopOverfishing, er baseret på en alarmerende mangel på viden i offentligheden om misforvaltningen af fiskeriet i Europa   En rundspørge, som YouGov har foretaget for Oceana, afslører en meget stor mangel på offentlig bevidsthed om, hvor dårligt de europæiske fiskeressourcer bliver forvaltet. En ny rapport har vist, at 64% af fiskebestandene i … Read more

Starfish with 10 to 11 arms spotted in the Mediterranean

Marine scientists have discovered a population of a species of starfish with 10 and 11 arms living more than 200 m below the surface in waters off Malta (central Mediterranean). These starfish were spotted using an underwater robot during an at-sea survey as part the Life Ba?AR for N2K project, which aims to identify new … Read more

How to double catches in the Atlantic

Early this morning, EU fisheries ministers agreed on new fishing limits for the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Oceana is disappointed that, once again, ministers have ignored scientific advice for key commercial fish stocks. The new limits for 2017 come despite a new, in-depth study led by renowned fisheries expert Dr. Rainer Froese, which revealed that if … Read more