Stopping overfishing could see fish catches up 87% in waters around UK and Ireland

Research finds potential for 200,000 tonnes more cod, sole, plaice and other fish within 5-7 years An overhaul of current fisheries management could result in 87% more fish being caught in the Atlantic waters around the UK, Ireland and the north-west of France if governments stop overfishing, marine conservation organization Oceana has announced today. According to a … Read more

North Western Waters. Status and Potential Productivity of Fish Stocks

The European Union is failing to responsibly manage its fish resources. Despite several international commitments and EU framework regulations on sustainable fisheries, the status of fish stocks is still far from being considered as healthy. Overfishing in the EU continues to affect a large proportion of fish stocks. In the North Western Waters (NWW) the … Read more

Neue Kampagne „Size Matters“, auf deutsch „die Größe zählt“, warnt Käufer vor dem Kauf von Babyfischen

Eine Datenbank für Mindestgrössen für 75 Fischarten, einschließlich den  innerhalb der EU gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Mindestgrössen und Vorschlägen, wo Maßregeln fehlen Oceana fordert eine Mindestgröße entsprechend der Körpergröße zum Zeitpunkt der Fortpflanzungsfähigkeit oder größer Der spanische Hollywood-Schauspieler Miguel Ángel Silvestre präsentierte eine neue digitale Datenbank, um Verbrauchern dabei zu helfen, den Kauf von „Baby“-Fischen zu vermeiden. … Read more

Celebrities On Board

   Miguel Angel Silvestre, Actor Miguel Ángel is an actor from Spain. He’s starred in several Spanish TV series and films, including Pedro Almadovar’s “I’m So Excited.” Miguel has recently played the lead role in TV love drama, “Velvet.” He is currently appearing in  Netflix’s crime thriller, “Narcos” and stars in Jennifer Lopez’s music video … Read more

Fish Size Matters

Due to overfishing, the fish we eat are getting smaller and smaller. But what does that mean for the consumer? It means we’re eating baby fish before they even had the chance to become parents. So, when it comes to fish, size matters. FishSizeMatters allows you to check the legal and maturity sizes of fish … Read more

Add Your Name to is an interactive website that gives you the chance to show you care about our oceans and the threats posed by overfishing.   Show your support for the #StopOverfishing by adding your own fish to our ocean. You can add your fish with three simple steps: 1. Click here to enter the website. 2. Click … Read more

I paesi del Mediterraneo firmano un patto politico storico per la gestione della pesca

La prima vera pietra miliare nella gestione della pesca nel Mediterraneo precede la conferenza internazionale ‘Our Ocean’ prevista in autunno   Valletta, Malta – Oggi i ministri e rappresentanti di alto livello provenienti da paesi del Mediterraneo hanno firmato una dichiarazione storica per affrontare la crisi della pesca nella regione. La dichiarazione ministeriale, Malta MedFish4Ever, … Read more