EU fails to reach ambitious deal on management of North Sea fisheries

Brussels — Despite an optimistic vote in September at plenary session in the European Parliament to end overfishing, the key 3 EU institutions failed to reach an ambitious deal in the final negotiations, that would have ensured truly sustainable management of North Sea fisheries. The North Sea Multi-Annual Plan (NSMAP) covers nearly one-third of all … Read more

Oceana urges EU ministers to speed up recovery of Atlantic fisheries

Oceana urges EU fisheries ministers to set sustainable fishing limits for the North-East Atlantic and the North Sea for the coming year, as the most straightforward way to rebuild fish stocks, restore the balance in the ecosystem and increase revenues as well as the number of jobs. The decision will be made in the AGRIFISH … Read more

Joint NGO recommendations on fishing opportunities for 2018. Northeast Atlantic and North Sea stocks

The Pew Charitable Trusts, Seas At Risk, Oceana, ClientEarth and the Fisheries Secretariat provide recommendations to EU fisheries ministers regarding the 2018 Northeast Atlantic and North Sea Total Allowable Catches (TACs) that the Council will set on 11–12 December 2017. The groups urge decision-makers to consider the following recommendations: Meet the objectives of the Common … Read more

Et sundt fiskeri er en god forretning

Fiskebranchen beskæftiger 56,6 mio. mennesker på verdensplan og repræsenterer 17% af alt forbrug af dyreproteina. Den Europæiske Union (EU) er verdens tredjestørste fiskeproducent, men de europæiske politikeres misforvaltning af fiskeriet har tilladt overfiskeri gennem årtier, hvilket har medført et markant fald i denne værdifulde og fælles ressource. En undersøgelse iværksat af Oceana viser det enorme … Read more

Oceana calls on the EU to recover Atlantic fisheries in 2018

Brussels – The European Commission published today its annual proposal on total allowable catches (TACs) in the Atlantic and the North Sea for 2018, which will be decided on the 11-12 December by fisheries ministers in Brussels. Oceana urges EU ministers to meet the legally-binding 2020 deadline for all fish stocks to be fished at … Read more

Baltic Sea: Status and potential productivity of fish stocks

To date the European Union is failing the responsible man-agement of fish resources. Despite different international commitments, and EU framework regulations on sustainable fisheries, the status of EU fish stocks is still far from being considered as positive. A recent study (Froese et al. 2016), commissioned by Oceana provides the largest picture of European fisheries … Read more

Oceana: EU ministers must put an end to overfishing in the Baltic Sea now

Luxembourg – On October 9th, the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) are due to meet in Luxembourg where ministers will decide on catch limits for the Baltic Sea in 2018. Oceana has actively been advocating for the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) to be in line with scientific advice and with the Common Fisheries Policy … Read more