Seulement 1,5% des mers françaises sont réellement protégées

Du 22 au 24 octobre 2019 se tiendra le 4ème Colloque national des Aires Marines Protégées, à Biarritz.  Les enjeux sont très importants puisque la France possède le 2ème espace maritime au monde, dont 22,3% sont justement classés « Aires Marines Protégées ». Pourtant dans ces zones, au détriment des recommandations des scientifiques et malgré l’effondrement de … Read more

Oceana calls on EU to ban fishing of eastern Baltic cod

Recent eastern cod collapse is a result of a number of factors, including continuous overfishing of the stock Baltic cod is the region’s iconic species and plays a crucial role, both environmentally and commercially On 14 October, the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) will meet in Luxembourg to decide on 2020 fishing limits for … Read more

Baltic Cod

Babltic Cod: Victims of Overfishing At present, western Baltic cod are being overfished and the stock is showing signs of very low biomass levels. The eastern stock is even in a worse situation — the entire population collapsed and a temporary fishing ban was put in place in until December 2019. Unfortunately, while the ban does help, … Read more