Progress in marine protection hampered by rising sea pollution

On the occasion of World Oceans Day today, 8 June, Oceana warns of the detrimental impact rubbish dumping and waste pollution is having on the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. Such continued misuse of the world’s oceans as a dumping ground is hampering global conservation efforts to protect marine habitats and to restore depleted fish … Read more

Microplastics found throughout Baltic

Marine litter is a global issue for the world’s oceans. Plastic litter, especially, is a problem, as it degrades into smaller pieces, called microplastics, which can get eaten by marine organisms, and thereby gradually build up in the marine and coastal environment. It can even end up on your plate! Last year, Oceana was invited … Read more

Oceana reaches a kilometre deep at the Emile Baudot escarpment

Cabrera National Park will be the first in Spain to include an escarpment if Oceana’s proposed extension is accepted. Oceana has captured the first images in existence of the Emile Baudot escarpment, located in an area south of the Balearic islands, which the marine conservation organisation proposes should be incorporated into Cabrera National Park. The … Read more

Oceana finds never before seen species and litter in the Gorringe Seamounts

Deep-sea sharks, hydrocoral, glass sponges, and black coral, among the new findings in these seamounts. Oceana has documented the presence of litter and fishing gear in one of Europe’s major seamounts, the Gorringe bank. The images were taken during an expedition with researchers from the University of Algarve, in which stunning algae forests and a … Read more