Amazon’s Big Role in Ocean Plastic Pollution

Oceana calls on Amazon to address its contribution to the plastic disaster that is devastating the world’s oceans and marine life and provide its customers with plastic-free choices Oceana has today released a report – based on an analysis of e-commerce packaging data – that found Amazon generated 465 million pounds of plastic packaging waste … Read more

Spain: Diving among plastics

Spanish waters contain a wide variety of geomorphological features including canyons, escarpments, pockmarks, seamounts and reefs, among other things. As well as providing oases for marine life, this wide variety of geohabitats also act as plastic traps or sinks. Deep waters are particularly vulnerable to the impact of marine debris, as the absence of sunlight … Read more

Blue Manifesto

Blue Manifesto: A rescue plan that works In January 2020, over 100 organisations, led by six NGOs —BirdLife Europe, ClientEarth, Oceana, Seas At Risk, Surfrider Foundation Europe, and WWF— launched the Blue Manifesto, a rescue plan outlining specific actions to protect our oceans and coastlines by 2030. The Blue Manifesto is a comprehensive document detailing … Read more

Oceana uncovers the plastic plague in Europe’s deep seas

99% of plastic ends up in the deep sea, with no data on how many centuries it takes to decompose in these environments Oceana has published a study with photos from the past decade illustrating the need to drastically reduce plastic use Madrid. – Oceana has published a report on the disastrous effects of plastic … Read more