IUU Fishing: What Oceana Does

Oceana works against IUU fishing on three fronts: Oceana on board. During our campaigns on board the Oceana Ranger, we locate and film illegal fishing activities and inform authorities so they can act. This is evidence of the lack of existing control measures. Oceana reports. The information we collect during our campaigns allows us to … Read more

Halting IUU fishing: enforcing international fisheries agreements

The world’s fisheries are in crisis.   Experts report that 75% are significantly depleted, overexploited or fully exploited.  Behind these statistics are the stories of countless families whose livelihoods have been destroyed as the once-bountiful resources of the oceans have dwindled.  Governments generally recognise that there is little time left to act decisively to reverse the … Read more

European Union must act against illegal fishing in Somalia and the Indian Ocean

Oceana supports Commissioner responsible for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs Joe Borg’s statements urging the European Union to act against IUU (Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated) fishing in Somalia and the Indian Ocean.  “Illegal fishing robs the Somalian people, one of the poorest of the world, of income or other benefits from their rich fish resources. Much … Read more