Marine Strategy Framework Directive: What Oceana Does

An EU-wide stakeholder consultation process on the implementation of the MSFD is being organized by the European Commission, and Oceana is an active member of this process. We currently follow several working groups, including on the definition of Good Environmental Status (GES) and on Economic and Social Assessment (ESA). At the regional scale, Oceana being … Read more

Red trees and Bubblegum corals

The gorgonia Primnoa sp., also known as red tree corals or sea corn, and the bubblegum gorgonia Paragorgia arborea  can form great branching trees that reach many feet from the seabed. Red tree corals 7 feet tall and 25 feet wide have been observed by scientists in submersibles, and fishermen have reported bubblegum trees over … Read more

Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

It is wide-distributed   throughout the world and even reaches Arctic waters. However, there are no global figures for this species. Off the Atlantic coast of Europe, it is calculated that there are some 12,600 species, and Galicia and Portugal are one of the areas with the highest concentrations. Its sociability allows it to interact with … Read more

Great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

As the biggest meat-eating sharks, great whites average between 4 and 7 meters but have been recorded at lengths over 11 meters. Great whites, which have torpedo-shaped bodies and pointed snouts, get their name from the distinctive white coloring on their undersides. Due to severe overfishing, great whites are listed as “Vulnerable” on the IUCN’s … Read more

Lophelia pertusa

Lophelia is a reef-forming coral that provides a highly complex habitat supporting as diverse an array of life as some shallow water reef communities. It is found in every ocean except in Polar regions. Most Lophelia reefs are found at depths of 650 to 3,300 feet, though the deepest so far discovered is nearly two … Read more

Cetaceans: Species at risk

All species of cetaceans are included in protection lists such as the Habitat Directive, Bonn Convention, Bern Convention and Barcelona Convention. In spite of that, these species continue to be endangered, and they require action to be taken in order to protect them. Oceana considers  that the declaration of  marine protected areas as set forth … Read more

Dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus)

Among one of the slowest growing sharks in the world, the dusky shark takes 20 years to reach maturity and has a 16 month gestation period. This low rate of increase makes dusky sharks particularly vulnerable to exploitation. Globally, the dusky shark is considered “Lower Risk” or “Near Threatened.”. The dusky and sandbar sharks are … Read more

Mediterranean red coral (Corallium rubrum)

Corallium rubrum is endemic to the Mediterranean and adjacent African Atlantic waters. This species has been harvested since ancient times and is possibly the one in the worst condition. Up to 2,000 vessels have been dedicated to harvesting this coral using such destructive techniques like the crowbar (barra Italiana) or double cross (cruz de San … Read more

Cetaceans: Achievements

2009.In honor of World Environment Day on June 5th and to implement the European Union’s commitment with the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Spanish government announced the creation of ten new Marine Protected Areas in Spain’s Exclusive Economic Zone. Oceana has played a key role in identifying and proposing protection for marine areas of interest … Read more

Deep-sea shark

Since sharks lack a swim bladder, they use oil in their livers to regulate their buoyancy. Deep-sea sharks, those living below 300 meters, have huge livers with more oil to adjust to these depths. As a result, they are caught by deep-sea trawls, gillnetts and longlines for an oily substance found in their livers called … Read more