A meeting about the future for the Baltic Sea

This week, representatives from Member States around the Baltic Sea, are meeting in Tallinn, Estonia to discuss multi species fisheries management and a discard ban in the Baltic Sea. Stakeholders have been invited to give their point of view, and Oceana will be there. We’re expecting some interesting discussions between the Member States, fisheries and … Read more

Happy birthday, Cabrera!

Spain’s National Park of Cabrera turns 22 years old today and we’re very happy to say that its creation has been worthwhile. There is enough evidence to show that sea creatures within the protected area grow larger and spawn more, and this wildlife ‘factory’ is a great help when it comes to restoring the surrounding … Read more

National Geographic recommends enlarging Spain’s Cabrera National Park

Enric Sala, explorer-in-residence at National Geographic, has publicly expressed his support for the enlargement of the Cabrera National Park, based on the boundaries proposed by Oceana to José Ramón Bauzá. In a letter to the President of the Balearic Islands, Sala stated that the project would lead to “immediate environmental, fishing production, and economic improvements … Read more

Breaking the law

So there you are in your car on the highway, blasting Creedence on the stereo, wind in your hair. Everybody’s speeding a little bit; you just go with the flow. Then all of a sudden a police car shows up and instantly the average speed drops about 20 km/per hour. Have you thought about how … Read more

Seeing Blue: Celebrating Earth Day

Arthur C. Clarke once said: “How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.” He wasn’t off mark. Did you know that, in terms of volume, the oceans occupy 99% of planet Earth? That’s why we wanted to honour this Earth Day by celebrating our incredible, mysterious oceans. We believe that … Read more

Oceana welcomes EU Parliament adoption of Skagerrak discard ban

Yesterday an overwhelming majority of the European Parliament voted for a gradual ban on the discarding of unwanted fish in the Skagerrak. Oceana welcomes this bold step towards ending the wasteful practice of throwing millions of tons of fish back into the sea. “It is rewarding to see that the Parliament is sticking to defending … Read more

Oceana calls on Bauzá to launch discussions on the enlargement of Cabrera

Five trawlers working on banned seabeds are the only opposition in the fishing sector to the enlargement of the national park. Oceana has requested, by means of a letter sent to the President of the Balearics Regional Government,  José Ramón Bauzá, that the initiatives to approach the project for the enlargement of the Cabrera National … Read more

The Risks of Fish Restocking: the Case of the Baltic Sea

Sport fishing has throughout history been a way to relax, get away from it all and be closer to nature. Many people think that recreational fishing doesn’t have a big influence on fish populations, but in fact it accounts for approximately one quarter of the total amount of salmon caught in the Baltic Sea region … Read more

Beach or mountain?

You know, we at Oceana want it all, which is perhaps why we love seamounts so much. It’s not just because they are feeding grounds and spawning areas for highly migratory species; or because they attract lots of sharks, tunas, turtles, cetaceans and seabirds; or because you can find a wide variety of habitats and … Read more

Race for the Baltic – a joint campaign to save the Baltic

Today Race for the Baltic  launched; the campaign is a joint initiative of three environmental NGOs (Fish Secretariat, Coalition Clean Baltic and Oceana) in collaboration with the political organization GLOBE, entrepreneurs, and business partners, joining forces to call for action to save the Baltic Sea. The Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted seas … Read more