I see carnivorous sponges

No, it’s not a figment of my imagination haunting my nightmares, but a real life form found by Oceana at the Chella bank, a seamount just off the southeast coast of Spain. But this place holds even more secrets than meat-eating sponges; it’s practically brimming with biodiversity. Deep-sea coral reefs, cetaceans, octopuses, sharks and a … Read more

Mediterranean summit ends with a victory for deep-sea corals

Oceana welcomes yesterday’s decisions adopted by the Mediterranean countries and the EU at the Barcelona Convention to protect eleven species of deep-sea corals and implement the Action Plan on Dark Habitats. This scientific document, partly drafted by Oceana, will enable the creation of marine protected areas for seamounts, submarine canyons and caves. “To have eleven … Read more

Meet the Perch

The perch is originally a freshwater fish, found in lakes and streams, but since it’s very euryhaline, which means it can adapt to a wide range of salinities, it can also be found in brackish waters. Found both in Europe and Asia, this fish has also been introduced in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. … Read more

Eleven corals in the Mediterranean may be protected this week

All Mediterranean countries will be meeting in Istanbul for the 18th COP to the Barcelona Convention to strengthen the protection of the marine and coastal environment. A number of decisions are set to be adopted at the meeting that are essential, among other things, to improving the protection status of deep-sea corals, in particular black … Read more

Mediterranean Deep-Sea Corals Protected

Mediterranean countries and the EU decided to protect 11 species of deep-sea corals at the 18th COP to the Barcelona Convention. They also decided to implement the Action Plan on Dark Habitats, a scientific document drafted in part by Oceana, which will enable the creation of marine protected areas in deep-sea habitats like seamounts, submarine … Read more

Mediterranean Deep-Sea Corals Protected

Mediterranean countries and the EU decided to protect 11 species of deep-sea corals at the 18th COP to the Barcelona Convention. They also decided to implement the Action Plan on Dark Habitats, a scientific document drafted in part by Oceana, which will enable the creation of marine protected areas in deep-sea habitats like seamounts, submarine … Read more

A deep-water crinoid Leptometra celtica bed off the Portuguese south coast

Abstract The existence of a wide bed of the crinoid Leptometra celtica (M’Andrew and Barrett 1857), at approximately 500 m depth, off the Portuguese south coast is inferred from remotely operated vehicle (ROV) transects carried out as part of a research project (IMPACT) aimed at evaluating the impact of bottom trawling on the burrowing crustacean Norway … Read more

Oceana report unveils hidden shark catches

A new report by Oceana, based on Hong Kong shark fin trade data and other sources, has revealed that up to 24 countries may be catching sharks in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea but failing to report these catches, as is legally required by the Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). The … Read more