Bottom Trawling

Thank you for your support! #BANBOTTOMTRAWLING PETITION DELIVERED TO EUROPEAN COMMISSION         What is bottom trawling? Bottom trawling is one of the most destructive methods to catch fish. Its extensive use for commercial fishing causes a high impact on marine ecosystems, often resulting in irreversible damage to sensitive habitats (such as maërl … Read more

Marine Wildlife

Many marine species are at risk from overfishing, climate change and harmful fishing methods. Endangered sea turtles are caught unintentionally, as bycatch, by fishing boats around the world. Shark populations are plummeting as they are killed for their meat, fins and liver oil. Coveted seafood species including tuna and salmon are threatened by overfishing, and … Read more

Baltic Sea

Unfortunately the Baltic is at the same time one of the most polluted seas in the world, due to exploitation and economic activities. Unsustainable fisheries are one of the most urgent threats to the Baltic fish stocks.  Destructive fishing practices, like bottom trawling, high levels of by-catch and illegal, unregulated and unreported (IUU) fishing all … Read more

Ibiza Channel

Oceana focused primarily on two seamounts, Nao Mound and Morrot de Formentera. In the former, we found deep gorgonian gardens and crustaceans of commercial interest, while Morrot boasted an abundance of fish and the presence of ancient cold water coral reefs. Both seamounts host  habitats and species that are subject to protection under laws currently … Read more

Mallorca Channel

These seamounts also harbor a variety of habitats that should be protected given their high productivity and/or degree of threat, such as coralline beds, bamboo coral beds, rhodolith beds and deep-sea sponge fields, among others. In addition, species of commercial interest like crabs and fish depend on habitats located in this area and some of … Read more

Balearic Islands

During a number of oceanographic campaigns, Oceana has focused part of its research on documenting the sea beds of the Balearic archipelago, in order to determine the importance of the habitats and species present there and request the establishment of the most adequate protection and management measures. Given the ecological and economic importance of these … Read more