Progress in marine protection hampered by rising sea pollution

On the occasion of World Oceans Day today, 8 June, Oceana warns of the detrimental impact rubbish dumping and waste pollution is having on the world’s oceans and marine wildlife. Such continued misuse of the world’s oceans as a dumping ground is hampering global conservation efforts to protect marine habitats and to restore depleted fish … Read more

Oceana Wins Protection for Essential Fish Habitats in the Strait of Sicily

Following campaigning by Oceana, three Fisheries Restricted Areas were created by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) in the Strait of Sicily, protecting 1,493 square km between Italy, Malta and Tunisia from bottom trawling and preserving nursery areas. By preserving these areas, essential fish habitats for commercial fisheries stocks, a key step has … Read more

Deep-Sea Trawling Ban Protects 4.9 million km2 in Atlantic Ocean

Oceana in Europe campaigned with our colleagues in the Deep Sea Conservation Coalition for the prohibition of deep sea bottom trawling in the North East Atlantic waters. This victory provides increased protection for vulnerable marine ecosystems and deep-sea sharks. The European Parliament, Council and Commission reached an agreement that bans all trawling below 800m depth … Read more

Unprecedented Step towards Protection of Mediterranean Deep-Sea Habitats

Mediterranean countries have committed to develop new management measures for vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) by 2018 at the latest. These unique ecosystems include cold water coral reefs, gardens of soft corals and deep-sea sponge aggregations, which are frequently associated with high levels of biodiversity. The first action will be to define a list of Mediterranean … Read more

Oceana Wins Protection for Essential Fish Habitats in the Strait of Sicily

Following campaigning by Oceana, three Fisheries Restricted Areas were created by the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) in the Strait of Sicily, protecting 1,493 square km between Italy, Malta and Tunisia from bottom trawling and preserving nursery areas. By preserving these areas, essential fish habitats for commercial fisheries stocks, a key step has … Read more

Developing a list of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems. 40th Session of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Recent scientific studies have demonstrated that vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) such as cold water coral reefs, gardens of soft corals, and deep-sea sponge aggregations are found in many areas of the Mediterranean Sea, and are unique. These ecosystems are frequently associated with high levels of biodiversity, and provide habitat for very specific assemblages of species, … Read more

40th GFCM Session. Time for action to recover stocks and protect juveniles

The 40th meeting of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean and Black Sea (GFCM) represents an opportunity for its Contracting Parties to consolidate the role of this Regional Fisheries Management Organisation, by translating the recently reformed Agreement into effective fisheries management. In recent years, GFCM has made progress in its approach to fisheries management, … Read more