Una piu’ grande volontà politica e’ urgente per fermare la negligenza dei paesi europei di fronte al degrado degli habitat marini europei

Le organizzazioni ambientaliste chiedono di istituire misure  di gestione concrete  in aree marine protette   ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Oceana, Seas at Risk e WWF avvertono che la vita marina in Europa viene danneggiata dal fatto che gli stati dell’Unione Europea non stanno gestendo in modo attivo le aree marine protette. Questa negligenza, mette a … Read more

Une plus grande volonté politique est nécessaire pour mettre fin à la négligence des pays européens face à la dégradation des habitats marins

Les organisations environnementales demandent la mise en place de mesures de gestion concrètes dans les aires marines protégées européennes   ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Oceana, Seas at Risk et le WWF avertissent que la vie marine en Europe est menacée à cause de la négligence des pays européens à gérer activement leurs aires marines protégées. … Read more

Urgent political will needed to halt European marine habitat neglect

ClientEarth, Coalition Clean Baltic, Oceana, Seas at Risk and WWF warn that marine life across Europe is being harmed because member states are neglecting to actively manage marine protected areas. This puts at risk much of the biodiversity within the marine Natura 2000 network of protected sites, which protects on paper around 10% of waters … Read more

Towards a Mediterranean network of EFH

One of the aspects behind the critical situation of Mediterranean stocks is the high exploitation rate of juveniles in many demersal fi sheries. The fisheries management in place today has brought most of assessed stocks outside safe biological limits (FAO, 2017) and some of them face a high risk of biological collapse, such ascommercially-important hake … Read more

The Mediterranean Statement

< Return to campaign Oceana’s “Mediterranean Statement” urges the EU and its member states to end the environmental crisis in the Mediterranean. As of September 20th, 2018, the letter has been backed by over 150 scientists from Europe, North America and from as far as Australia. The letter was released prior to the EU negotiations … Read more

Oceana: Time is fast running out for ending overfishing in the Baltic

On October 15th, the EU’s Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRIFISH) is due to meet in Luxembourg where ministers will decide on fishing limits for the Baltic Sea in 2019. Oceana encourages the Total Allowable Catches (TACs) to be in line with scientific advice, which could help rebuild stocks and eventually increase catches by 25%. In … Read more

Oceana praises new political pact for small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean

Fisheries ministers from Mediterranean countries signed today a historical declaration on a Regional Plan of Action for small-scale fisheries. The Ministerial Conference, organised by the GFCM and FAO’s Fisheries and Aquaculture Department, lays down a new framework for fisheries governance in the region and builds on the 2017 MedFish4Ever initiative. The declaration marks a political … Read more