Green Deal goes blue: ocean vital to fight climate change

The European Commission unveiled the European Green Deal today, the flagship agenda driving Europe’s ecological transition to become the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050. Oceana welcomes that the ocean is part of the document, as marine habitats mitigate climate crisis by storing CO2, while ocean restoration and protection are fundamental for building resilience to … Read more

‘Blue Forests’: Our Allies against Climate Change

Below the water’s surface, are 17 000 species that can potentially help us in the fight against climate change that are, oddly enough, being overlooked: these are of course, the algae. Just like any other plant, algae use CO2 for photosynthesis, and thus, absorb a great amount of this greenhouse gas. And that is what brings … Read more

Seulement 1,5% des mers françaises sont réellement protégées

Du 22 au 24 octobre 2019 se tiendra le 4ème Colloque national des Aires Marines Protégées, à Biarritz.  Les enjeux sont très importants puisque la France possède le 2ème espace maritime au monde, dont 22,3% sont justement classés « Aires Marines Protégées ». Pourtant dans ces zones, au détriment des recommandations des scientifiques et malgré l’effondrement de … Read more