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Press Releases
September 26, 2014
Oceana and Panthalassa present “Sea Legend”
The international marine conservation organization Oceana and the film production company Panthalassa present “Sea Legend”, a film whose world premiere coincides with the International Film Festival in San Sebastian, Spain….
September 22, 2014
Scientists on board the Oceana Ranger have conducted ROV transects covering the summit and slopes of these elevations which have a height of more than 2,000 metres.The seamounts to the…
September 19, 2014
High levels of seafood fraud revealed in Danish fishmongers
The marine conservation organization Oceana, the Danish newspaper Søndagsavisen and the TV program “Go’Aften Denmark” conducted a study revealing that 18% of cod sold in fishmongers is not actually cod,…
September 15, 2014
Oceana launches expedition to El Hierro island and the Atlantic seamounts
The government projects that El Hierro will be made into the first marine national park in SpainToday, Oceana launched an expedition with the support of Biodiversity Foundation to document the…
September 10, 2014
Oceana calls for the immediate closure of the Cabrera refuge until a system of wastewater treatment is put in place in order to purify wastewater, and to ensure that there…
September 5, 2014
In October, the Total Allowable Catches (TAC) are to be decided by the fisheries Ministers. Oceana is glad to see that the Commission proposal is consistent with the aim of…
September 5, 2014
Oceana launches website to gather data on unwell fish in the Baltic Sea
Today, Oceana has launched a website with the aim of compiling information on the issue of sick, dead and disappearing fish in the Baltic Sea. The creation of a database…
September 5, 2014
Marine litter is growing problem in the World’s oceans
On Saturday, Oceana joined a research expedition arranged and led by the University of Örebro and Pangaea Exploration to study marine litter in the Baltic Sea, an increasing problem in…
August 14, 2014
Oceana’s latest expedition confirms the need for expanded marine protected areas in the Balearics
Marine Protected Areas will forever help to defend the islands from the threat of oil-drilling Oceana has acquired new underwater images that support the need for the expansion of protected…
August 12, 2014
Oceana celebrates the creation of three protected fishing areas in the Balearic Islands
Oceana, which has been demanding this measure since 2006, congratulates the General Secretariat of Fisheries and encourages the government to continue with the protection of other similar seabeds which should…