Press Releases Archive - Page 16 of 105 - Oceana Europe

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Press Releases

June 5, 2020

Oceana deplores lack of agreement on fisheries between UK and EU

The fourth and supposedly final round of fisheries negotiations between the EU and UK has ended today, without agreement. Oceana regrets the unwillingness of both parties to agree a set…

June 5, 2020

Oceana calls to reduce, restore and research to save the ocean

On the occasion of World Oceans Day, Oceana is calling to innovate differently in order to help the ocean recover its past abundance. Oceana highlights that technology alone will not…

June 4, 2020

Oceana calls on UK government to rewild our seas by creating 10% Highly Protected Marine Areas

Oceana calls on the UK to protect at least 10% of UK seas in Highly Protected Marine Areas. At present, about 30% of UK seas are designated as Marine Protected…

May 29, 2020

Baltic Sea Fish Stocks Remain in Crisis – NGOs Call for Closures of Herring and Cod stocks

Responding to today’s publication of annual scientific advice for EU fishing limits for 2021 in the Baltic Sea by ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the Sea), which finds…

May 20, 2020

Oceana welcomes new EU Biodiversity Strategy as critical to rebuilding marine resilience and enabling a ‘blue’ future for Europe

Oceana welcomes the European Commission’s much expected new 10-year plan, presented today, to save biodiversity and its ambition to deliver urgent action to protect the environment – something that 90%…

April 1, 2020

Oceana appoints Vera Coelho as Senior Director of Advocacy in Europe

Vera Coelho joins Oceana in Europe’s Brussels office as the Senior Director of Advocacy — a new position that oversees our four campaigns and represents Oceana before key partners and…

March 9, 2020

Dutch Postcode Lottery supports Oceana’s campaigns for vital marine conservation in Europe

Oceana has received a 1 million euro donation to support its activities focusing on reducing illegal fishing and plastics pollution, expanding  and improving the management and protection of marine protected…

March 3, 2020

Oceana urges strong ambition to restore nature and oceans, EU to lead by example

Today the European Commission and the UN Environment Programme launched a Global Coalition for Biodiversity, building momentum ahead of the international negotiations of the UN Convention of Biological Diversity COP15…

March 2, 2020

Oceana calls on EU and UK to not lower environmental standards in any future fisheries agreement

Oceana urges the EU and UK to commit to retain sustainable science-based management, high environmental standards and control of fishing activities in the negotiations for a bilateral fisheries agreement starting…

January 29, 2020

10% increase in refillables can reduce ocean PET plastic pollution by 7.6 billion bottles

Oceana released a report finding that the beverage industry could decrease marine plastic pollution by 4.5 billion to 7.6 billion bottles each year, a 22% decrease, by increasing the volume…