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Press Releases
April 26, 2010
Enviromental NGOs urge Fisheries Ministers to expedite “new scenario fo ocean life”
Baiona, Spain –.The environmental organizations, Ecologistas en Acción, Greenpeace, Oceana, Seas At Risk and WWF present in Baiona (Spain) at the Ministerial gathering of 47 countries from the five continents[i] …
April 22, 2010
The European Union should lead shark conservation and management in ICCAT
Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, is calling on the European Union to present effective proposals to regulate sharks that are caught in the Atlantic Ocean during the upcoming meeting…
April 22, 2010
Spain is the first EU country to prohibit hammerhead and thresher shark fisheries
Oceana congratulates the Spanish Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs today for publishing in the Official State Bulletin a total prohibition on the catch of hammerhead and thresher…
April 21, 2010
ICCAT’s last chance to prove capable of controlling fisheries
The International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) will meet in Recife, Brazil, next week to determine the future of commercially valuable bluefin tuna, whose populations have plummeted…
April 21, 2010
Spain loses seagrass prairies worth €60M every year
Oceana estimates that Spain loses seagrass prairies worth 60 million Euros every year due to trawling, the construction of ports and marinas, and dumping. The conservation organisation and the Banco…
April 21, 2010
Oceana is calling for an urgent reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to stop acidification of oceans. Acidification jeopardizes the survival of coral reefs and numerous marine species, and with…
April 19, 2010
Oceana urges Fisheries Ministers to end fishing for critically endangered sharks in 2010
The EU Fisheries Council will meet 14-15 December to agree the 2010 TACs (Total Allowable Catches) for Community fleets. Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, is calling on Fisheries Ministers…
April 17, 2010
Oceana: only an ecological reform of EU fishing policy would recover fish stocks and keep jobs
This week, the European Union is closing their public consultation for a reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) from 2012. Oceana is asking the European Commission to focus the…
March 23, 2010
Oceana urges the European Commission (EC) and Member States to prioritize creating a broad strategy to address both the exponential loss of marine species and habitats as well as mitigate…
March 23, 2010
Oceana warns CITES parties that global demand for shark fins is pushing species towards extinction
From March 13-25 in Doha, Qatar, countries from all around the world are attending the 15th CITES Conference of Parties. If supported by two-thirds the 175 parties present at the…