2005-2015: Twenty expeditions in just one decade

What is the best month to go on an expedition? Well, that depends on where you want to go and what you want to see. If you check Oceana in Europe’s website or our recently launched story map, you’ll discover the answer is actually any month – apart from December. Since 2005, we have organised … Read more

Jaizkibel: New area to be protected in the Basque region

Good news! The marine area in front of the cliffs of Jaizkibel, in the Basque region – has finally been nominated as a special area of conservation. Oceana made this recommendation in 2010 and we’ve been working on getting the area – which has suffered from the impacts of coastal development, included into the Natura … Read more

The creation of an ecological corridor between Donostia and Biarritz is vital for the success of the French Natura 2000 network in the Atlantic

The construction of an outer harbour in Pasaia poses a threat to numerous habitats and species protected in France, and for fishing and tourism on the coasts of Lapurdi. OCEANA and the Official College of Biologists of Euskadi (COBE) presented a proposal this morning in Bayonne for the creation of a marine ecological corridor off … Read more

One step towards conservation in the Basque region

For years we’ve been fighting to protect a large marine area in the Basque region called Jaizkibel – our objective is to create a marine ecological corridor between San Sebastian and Biarritz for inclusion in the Natura 2000 network. It’s been a long struggle, especially because there are plans to build a port in the … Read more

Oceana and the Official College of Biologists of Euskadi urge the creation of a marine ecological corridor in Basque Country

Less than 1% of the Bay of Biscay is protected, and Spain is lagging in its obligations to create a network of marine protected areas. Following joint studies, Oceana and the Official College of Biologists of Euskadi (COBE), have proposed the creation of a marine ecological corridor in Jaizkibel (in the Basque Country), a major … Read more