The Spanish Ministry of Fisheries denies Oceana access to the list of boats with licenses to remove fins from sharks

In contrast, the Portuguese government has provided Oceana with all of the information requested regarding its fleet. Oceana, the international marine conservation organization, has expressed its disappointment with the Spanish General Secretary of Marine Fisheries’ (GSMF) denial to supply the list of Spanish fishing boats to which the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food has … Read more

New ICES report on dangerous decline in sharks

Responding to the new report from the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES) issued today, the Shark Alliance, a coalition of NGOs dedicated to science-based conservation of sharks said: “It’s there in black and white.  The serial depletion of sharks must stop and stop now”. The Report details the dangerous depletion of … Read more

European Parliament votes against serious threat to shark populations

The Shark Alliance today welcomed the European Parliament’s decision to replace recommendations to further weaken already flawed shark finning regulations with calls for much needed improvements to the rules. “We are pleased that the European Parliament has changed course on shark policy by replacing reckless recommendations with those based in science,” said Sonja Fordham, Shark … Read more

Conservationists rally MEPs to make, not break EU ban on shark finning

Member organisations of the Shark Alliance, a coalition of conservation NGOs, today expressed hope that a strong, cross-Party Amendment in the European Parliament can correct troubling calls to weaken the EU’s ban on shark finning contained in the draft report from Parliament’s Fisheries Committee. Oceana, The Ocean Conservancy and The Shark Trust – founding members … Read more

Sharks threatened by European Parliament finning report

The international marine conservation organization Oceana has released a report aimed at European Union (EU) Members of Parliament (Euro MPs) to express its concern about a decision that will be taken in the European Parliament (EP) Committee on Fisheries on August 28th that could support the killing of millions of sharks each year. Oceana calls … Read more

Sharks at risk – EU policies threaten species globally

Launching a report about the dangerous decline in shark populations caused by European fishing policy, the newly formed Shark Alliance today expressed dismay at the European Parliament Fisheries Committee’s push for weaker restrictions on shark finning. The report, entitled “Shark Alert: Revealing Europe’s Impact on Shark Populations,” details the depletion of European shark populations and … Read more