New Technology to Help Tackle Illegal Fishing by Alerting Insurers to Risk

Global Fishing Watch, Trygg Mat Tracking, Oceana, Ocean Unite and the Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance are partnering to create a risk assessment tool to help insurers identify vessels at risk of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing Data-powered tool will help prevent vessels at high risk of involvement in IUU fishing operations from accessing … Read more

Marine insurance companies can be key actors in the fight against IUU fishing

On 17 December 2020, Oceana hosted an online workshop with the purpose of discussing progress made by the marine insurance industry in adopting best practices to fight illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing — a devastating practice that is damaging the health of the ocean worldwide. Insurance companies can play a key role in helping … Read more

World’s largest maritime ships database joins fight against pirate fishing

IHS Markit’s extensive Sea-web database now highlights vessels with ties to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing This advancement was facilitated through a collaboration between IHS Markit and the non-profit organisations Oceana and Trygg Mat Tracking (TMT) Effective January, leading global business information provider IHS Markit will add information on illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing … Read more

FAO awards insurance initiative to curb pirate fishing

Oceana and the UN PSI received an award yesterday from the FAO’s General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean for their work on fighting illegal fishing. The recognition, given for best practices to curb illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Mediterranean region, was presented on Tuesday evening at the high-level MedFish4Ever conference in Marrakesh. … Read more