Seafood labeling and sustainable fisheries

Seafood fraud and seafood mislabeling is unfortunately a very common and widespread problem across Europe, something that OCEANA’s previous studies in Denmark and elsewhere in France have revealed. However, it is now a bit harder for opportunistic individuals and groups to trick consumers. On Saturday, as part of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy that aims to … Read more

High levels of seafood fraud revealed in Danish fishmongers

The marine conservation organization Oceana, the Danish newspaper Søndagsavisen and the TV program “Go’Aften Denmark” conducted a study revealing that 18% of cod sold in fishmongers is not actually cod, but haddock or saithe. In total, 120 samples were collected from fishmongers, supermarkets and restaurants in the wider Copenhagen region in order to undergo DNA … Read more

Seafood Fraud: France, star student of Europe

Following the recent crises that rocked the meat industry in Europe, BLOOM, Oceana, researchers from INSERM and the National Museum of Natural History, and Terra eco magazine teamed up to take on seafood traceability in France by conducting a unique investigation into fish labelling fraud. Over the course of one year, 10 regions were studied … Read more