EU fisheries Council fails to ensure sustainable exploitation of fish stocks

Ministers set 35% of Atlantic fishing limits above sustainable levels Mediterranean fisheries further jeopardized by short-termism Today the 27 EU fisheries ministers reached an agreement on fishing opportunities for EU fish stocks in 2021.  Despite deadlines in EU law and United Nations’ commitments to end overfishing by 2020, ministers failed to set fishing limits that … Read more

New UK Fisheries Act turns back the clock on sustainable fisheries

Oceana regrets that the Fisheries Bill, which has today received Royal Assent making it the Fisheries Act, fails to include a legal duty to fish sustainably, below Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), for all stocks. The Fisheries Bill originally offered hope of a new gold standard for fisheries management in the UK, which could have served … Read more

Brexit puts Northeast Atlantic fisheries abundance at risk

The future of fish looks bleak in Europe. Nearly nine months since the official Brexit and after multiple rounds of fisheries negotiations, the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) are racing against the clock to conclude a fisheries agreement. The problem? The UK is gambling with the long-term health and abundance of the … Read more

Oceana urges EU to finally deliver on its duty to stop overfishing

Today the European Commission published its proposal on 2021 fishing opportunities for over 23 stocks in the Atlantic and the North Sea. The proposal covers catch limits for stocks present exclusively in EU waters. While all the proposed catch limits for the fully assessed stocks are in line with the best available scientific advice, around … Read more

EU and UK must ensure protection of deep-sea fish in Northeast Atlantic

Responding to the European Commission’s proposal for deep sea fishing limits for 2021-2022, published today [1], NGOs welcome the positive steps towards following scientific advice. However, the proposal does not go far enough to ensure protection and allow the recovery of these very sensitive and unique species, some of which are the most vulnerable known … Read more