Plastic free tourism: Is it possible?

That is what a group of 29 master students from the University of Wageningen looked to answer by conducting a six-week study alongside Oceana on plastics and the hospitality sector in Mallorca, Spain. The research’s main objective was to understand the feasibility of sustainable tourism on the island and of plastic-free zones (PFZs), or areas where the use of single-use plastics (SUPs) are drastically reduced thanks to reusable options or through the use of more sustainable materials. Why Mallorca? The Balearic Island is a very important … Read more

Refillable systems could prevent 390,000 coffee cups from entering the sea in Denmark every year

Oceana estimates that around 390,000 single-use coffee cups discarded in Denmark end up in the marine environment annually Danes use 300 million plastic cups and 150 million food containers each year A new study by Oceana shows that refillable systems and reusable options could take Denmark out of its disposable plastic culture. Specifically, the organisation … Read more

Good coffee, bad cup: How to curb ocean plastic pollution by switching to refill and reuse solutions

Executive Summary Danes use large quantities of single-use packaging for takeaway food and beverages. One of the most striking examples concerns single-use coffee cups. A survey carried out for Oceana by KantarGallup estimates that Danes use around 130 million singleuse cups each year for coffee alone. Single-use cups are one of the top ten items … Read more

Danish Parliament fails to set ambitious measures to curb Single-Use Plastics

The Danish Parliament missed a key opportunity to curb the flood of single-use plastics that are suffocating our ocean. Instead of introducing binding targets and measures to support refillable options as an alternative to single-use plastics, the Parliament approved a proposal from the government that only introduces the bare minimum requirements imposed by EU law. … Read more

75% of polled Danes think that cafés and take-aways should provide reusable containers for food and drink

Survey commissioned by Oceana shows that Danes overwhelmingly support the reduction of single-use plastics and champion reusable alternatives Research also finds that over 90% of interviewees believe disposable plastics should be reduced Oceana, the world’s largest international ocean conservation organisation, asked a representative sample of the Danish population about their attitudes towards throw-away plastics. Seventy-five … Read more

Engangskaffekopper bør udfases for at undgå plastik i havet

Engangskopper er blandt de ti mest fundne plasttyper i dansk natur. Folketinget behandler lige nu lovforslag om engangsplast. Regeringen bør sætte et mål om, at  80% af alle kaffekopper er genbrugelige i 2030. Den internationale havmiljøorganisation Oceana opfordrer til, at Danmark udfaser engangskaffekopper. Uddgangspunktet er et nyt lovforslag fra Miljøministeren,  som Folketinget netop nu skal … Read more

Oceana calls on Denmark to phase out single-use coffee cups to prevent marine litter

The international ocean conservation organisation Oceana calls for the phasing out of disposable coffee cups in Denmark, using as a basis a proposal from the Ministry for the Environment that the Parliament (Folketing) is now starting to review. Throw-away cups are in the top ten of the plastics that most often end up in nature, … Read more

Engangsplast og emballage: Hvordan udvidet producentansvar kan mindske plastikforurening

Plastic-free zones: Save the sea from your office

Amazon’s Big Role in Ocean Plastic Pollution

Oceana calls on Amazon to address its contribution to the plastic disaster that is devastating the world’s oceans and marine life and provide its customers with plastic-free choices Oceana has today released a report – based on an analysis of e-commerce packaging data – that found Amazon generated 465 million pounds of plastic packaging waste … Read more